The Drag & Spirituality Summit is in its third year and is the first-of-its-kind gathering at the intersections of drag and spirituality. Join drag performers and faith leaders from around the globe for a stunning and sacred three-day summit. Feed the spirit and celebrate the body with powerful panel discussions, inspiring practitioner presentations, and—of course—fierce and fabulous performances. The Centre for Religion and Its Contexts is the proud host and co-sponsor of this year’s...
Tag: homophobia
Join the Ecumenical Chaplaincy at the University of Toronto for an outdoor evening of community and celebration! Featured speaker is The Rev. Dr. Bob Faris, Moderator Elect of the General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church in Canada and Co-Convenor of the Rainbow Communion. The Presbyterian Connection describes Bob: “As a gay man, Bob has experienced the harm done to people who identify as LGBTQI2+ in the church. He has sought to live with integrity, while calling the church to change its...
A Prayer for May 17 International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia! Loving God, You made humanity in your likeness, Each and every human identity, in all our sexual and gender diversity, in all our racial and cultural diversity, bears Your sacred image. Press us, compel us, inspire us to fully live the power and beauty of this truth every day. In the name of the extravagantly loving table-turning, disruptive One we call Jesus, Amen. You are welcome to use this prayer in worship...