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Stewardship and Gifts

Quick links to sections on this page:
About | Congregational Stewardship | Mission and Service | Staff Support

Generosity is our response to God’s call to be compassionate disciples. Together, the people of the United Church live out Jesus’ vision and values by caring for each other and the world. Each and every day, we join God’s life-changing mission to make ourselves, our community and our world more peaceful, just and loving for everyone. “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b)

Joining God’s Mission

Through our generosity, we join God’s life-changing mission to make ourselves, our community and our world more peaceful, just, and loving for everyone. The Philanthropy team is here to help your community of faith grow in generosity and make even more of a difference.

Do you want to know how your faith community can effectively increase giving? Do you want to learn more about how you can help transform & save lives through Mission & Service or how your generosity can leave a lasting legacy?

Our team is here to help! Contact: Melody Duncanson-Hales

Get all the latest tips to help your congregation grow in generosity.
Subscribe to our free e-newsletter God’s Mission-Our Gifts.


Congregational Stewardship

In the ancient world, stewards were people who managed a household on behalf of its owner. Today when we as Christians call ourselves stewards, we make the bold claim that God is the true owner of the household of all that exists: creation, money, time, talent…everything! The world isn’t ours; it’s God’s. And amazingly, God entrusts it to us. Good stewardship means doing our utmost to care faithfully for God’s abundant goodness. Learn more about the theology of stewardship, creating a culture of gratitude, narrative budgets, congregational giving programs and more on our Called to Be The Church: The Journey page.

Called to be the church header logo

Called to Be the Church: The Journey

a stewardship program from the Philanthropy Unit of The United Church . Inspire and Invite Generosity!
When you are ready to make good stewardship a core part of your community of faith, we are here to help.
Each course has a specific focus enabling you to set goals, create a plan, and be successful, and includes both learning and practical elements.


Your stewardship journey begins with the “Getting Started in Stewardship” course. Communities of faith that start here have better success on their stewardship journey. The 90-minute session and 3 follow-up assignments get you ready to proceed.
Where you go from here depends on your needs.
Choose “Set Up Your Giving Program” if you want to jump right in and carry out a Stewardship Giving program in your community of faith in the next 6-7 months.
Choose “Stewardship Best Practices” for in-depth learning and growth, as you develop a year-round stewardship plan for your community of faith.
Choose “Bequests and Estate Gifts” to set up a Planned Legacy Giving program for your community of faith.
Whichever you choose, you will spend focused time with a Stewardship specialist and folks from other communities of faith. Be inspired by a program with a proven track record and receive coaching and on-going support that reflects your community of faith’s unique calling, focus, and resources.
To find out more about each course, including dates and times, team requirements, cohort limits, and program details please log into ChurchX and find our catalogue of courses by clicking the button below.

Changing Lives

United Church people across the country join together to share what we can. We support people and places in need as well as our shared ministry through our Mission and Service. Each and every day, we help save & transform lives, inspire meaning & purpose and build a better world through our Mission & Service.

Mission & Service

You are at the heart of Mission and Ministry when you give to Mission & Service. By making Mission & Service a part of our giving, we answer God`s call to help mend the world. Each and every day, your gifts – our gifts – transform lives. Together, we make more of a difference that we ever could alone.

Change lives today! Donate to Mission and Service.


Your generosity makes a difference…

Staff Support

Do you have questions about Mission & Service, giving a legacy gift, or ways that your faith community can effectively increase giving? Our team is here to help. Contact us, we are always happy to hear from you:



Community of Faith Stewardship Support

Phone: 416-231-7680 | 1-800-268-3781
Extension: 3187
Email: MDuncanson-Hales@united-church.ca

Serves in: Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils

Location: Teleworks from home.

Role: Melody is your go-to for all aspects of community of faith stewardship, including annual giving programs, year-round stewardship, Mission & Service, planned giving, the United Church Foundation and more. Melody also brings her experience to the modules of Called to Be the Church: The Journey, the United Church stewardship program.

Contact Melody about: Called to be the Church: The Journey program; Congregational Giving; Mission & Service; Planned Legacy Giving; Stewardship Education; The United Church Foundation.

Book an Appointment: To book time with Melody for a stewardship consultation, please click this link and book with “Melody Duncanson Hales”