Affirming Ministry
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Affirming Conversations
Why is it Important to Become Affirming?
Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils recently held an Affirming Conversations Zoom gathering, where we discussed how to equip and empower people to lead their congregation towards becoming an affirming ministry. This zoom gathering was open to all communities of faith who are interested in becoming Affirming or who had questions. Several guest speakers shared with us why it is important for them that there are safe spaces. Special guest speaker Linda Hutchinson, Affirming Ministry Program Coordinator from Affirm United, was on hand to explain the process of becoming an Affirming community of faith within the United Church of Canada.
Linda’s PowerPoint Presentation – [ PDF – 20 pages ]
Affirm United / S’affirmer Ensemble Website
Affirming Communities
AFFIRM UNITED OPEN HEARTS DOCUMENT By Alyson C. Huntly, in conjunction with the Affirming Ministries Program Coordinators. This is a resource for and about Affirming Ministries, includes information and resources on the affirming process as well as ideas to help congregations continue to grow. Includes a very full listing of additional resources. [PDF| 95 pages | 2017]
AFFIRMING MINISTRY REQUIREMENTS From Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble describes the components required in the affirming process. [2016]
SMALL TOWN, BIG IMPACT: Stories and strategies from the Affirming Journey A new video series from Affirming Connections that invites Affirming leaders from smaller rural communities to share their Affirming journeys. Watch the playlist on their YouTube Channel. [2022]
Calendar Moments
- MARCH 14 NATIONAL AFFIRMING/PIE DAY Celebrates the intention to be Public, Intentional and Explicit in the inclusion of people of all sexualities and gender identities.
- FIRST SUNDAY IN JUNE The United Church of Canada celebrates Pride Sunday.
- NOVEMBER 20 TRANSGENDER DAY OF REMEMBRANCE Resources for worship and action from The United Church of Canada and other communities of faith
Trans Experience and Gender Diversity
CELEBRATING GENDER DIVERSITY: A toolkit on Gender Identity and Trans Experiences for Communities of Faith
A resource to help communities of faith explore gender identity and deepen their understanding of gender and the integral role it plays in creating welcoming and affirming communities. Includes plans to create a gender-inclusive washroom policy, workshop modules, handouts and a glossary of key terms and concepts. Download this PDF. [PDF | 87 pages | 2019] Link to United in Learning webinar on animating this resource.
CREATING AUTHENTIC SPACES: A Gender Identity and Gender Expression Toolkit
From the 519 Community Centre in Toronto, a part of their efforts to challenge transphobia and to foster environments that are inclusive of gender identity and gender expression. The kit includes a set of infographics that can be downloaded on pronouns, allies, creating a welcoming environment and more. Download the kit.
A listing compiled by The United Church of Canada. [PDF | 12 pages]
Ruth Wood talks about her life journey as a trans person and her theological reflection on love and acceptance [YouTube Video | 6:44 | 2012]
LGBTQI2S Inclusion
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT SPONSOSPONSORING AN LGBTIQ2+ REFUGEE AN LGBTIQ2+ REFUGEE Questions about LGBTIQ2+ Refugee Sponsorship For United Church of Canada Communities of Faith [PDF | Nov. 2018 | 2 pages]
GENDER NEUTRAL BATHROOMS A variety of resources from the Unitarian Universalists on making washrooms safe spaces, including suggestions for signage.
LGBT RESOURCES PAGE on The United Church of Christ website, our partner denomination in the United States.
OUR WHOLE LIVES A curriculum of life span sexuality education programs from the Unitarian Universalists.
QUEER THEOLOGY An on-line network including resources, podcasts and opportunites for engagement hosted by Brian G. Murphy and Fr. Shannon TL Kearns.
SONGS FOR THE HOLY OTHER Hymns Affirming the LGBTQIA2S+ Community request a copy from The Hymn Society website.
Doctrine and Policy
MOVING TOWARD FULL INCLUSION: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The United Church of Canada A detailed resource that documents the church’s history intended to enable dialogue with partners and promote respectful sharing. [PDF | 67 pages | 2014]
MARRIAGE: A United Church of Canada Understanding A comprehensive overview of the United Church position on marriage, including same-sex marriage. Highlights changes in the church position over the years and the current theological understanding of what our church believes about marriage. [PDF | 12 pages | 2005]
THE AUTHORITY AND INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE Theology and Faith Committee, The General Council of The United Church of Canada [PDF | 49 pages | 1992] Results of a church-wide study on the authority of scripture.

Shining Waters Regional Council
is an Affirming Ministry
Celebrating Pride 2023
For those who will be attending the Toronto Pride Parade 2023, here is the details for marching in the parade
Small Town, Big Impact
Affirming Connections has a developed a great new video series: Small Town, Big Impact: Stories and strategies from the Affirming journey. The series invites Affirming leaders, clergy and lay, to share their experiences of the Affirming journey including how the...
The Great Diversity
Quick Links
Map of Affirming Communities
Staff Support
Staff support for this ministry is pending. If you require assistance please contact:

Administrative Support
Direct Phone: 249-480-0390
Email: cdeandrade@united-church.ca
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council
Location: Teleworks and works in the Guthrie office
Role: Celio provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.