News and Blogs
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Currents | Wellspring | Blogs | UCC News Feed | Staff

‘Currents’ is the latest news from Shining Waters Regional Council. A regular newsletter updating our region with information on what the various commissions, committees and SWRC Executive are working on.
Currents – The Latest News for April 2024
The latest news from Shining Waters Regional Council
Currents – The Latest News for February 2024
The latest news from Shining Waters Regional Council
Currents – The Latest News for December 2023
The latest news from Shining Waters Regional Council

‘Wellspring’ is a regular blog about inspiring stories from around the region, written by Susie Henderson and other occasional contributors.
A haven of hospitality
A French-speaking faith community in Toronto is a place of welcome for francophones wanting to gather and pray in the “language of the heart” Like many newcomers to Canada, Stephen Keleko felt unmoored when he first arrived in Toronto three years ago. Originally from...
Christmas, Choral Music, and COVID-19
This year’s season of song will be remote but relevant. Choirs across the region are offering the gift of gorgeous music—virtual and pre-recorded—as a healing balm in these hurting times.
Allyship in Action
“By putting this symbol on the ground in a permanent way, we were making our commitment as an Affirming congregation big and visible,” explains Jeffrey Dale, Grace United’s former youth minister coordinator who is now full-time staff with Shining Waters Regional Ministry.

A Sower Went Out to Sow
‘A Sower Went Out to Sow’ is a blog discussing what we are learning about digital ministry in the region. Written by Susie Henderson and the occasional contributor.
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Clergy Peer Learning Groups Blog
‘Clergy Peer Learning Groups’ is a blog discussing the merit and benefits of starting a clergy peer learning group. Written by SWRC Pastoral Relations Minister, Rev. Todd McDonald.
Together We Have Each Other’s Back
Hello friends!
After over two years of life with COVID, I’ve heard many people describe the changes in the contours of their congregational life. When I think about those United Church folk for whom attending church is their primary way to be in community and experience God, online worship, separation from each other, and fear of catching a virus, has left some feeling loss, deep loss. As we learned many years ago…
Welcome to My Clergy Peer Learning Groups Blog
Welcome friends!
For the next while I would like to talk about clergy peer learning groups, something we are currently promoting within Shining Waters. This is my first time trying to write a blog so bear with me! I began ministry in Newfoundland. There were so many good relationships to be had with the people of that four-point pastoral charge. But I remember being…

UCC News Feed
A compilation of the latest news from The United Church of Canada.
Staff Support

Communications and Administrative Support
Direct Phone: 647-557-3393
Serves in: Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks from her home
Role: Donna provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.
Contact Donna about: General Inquiries; Community Events; Communication Oversite; Covenanting Services; General Inquiries; Records Management; Regional Events; Social Media; Updating Contact/Subscription Information; Website.

Executive Assistant and Administrative Support
Direct Phone: 249-489-2001
Serves in: Canadian Shield Regional Council and Shining Waters Regional Council
Location: Works from the North Bay Main Office.
Role: Susan is the Executive Assistant to Peter Hartmans and gives administrative support for the Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils.