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So What? Faith in Action

Shining Waters Regional Council
2023 Regional Council Meeting
May 26 – May 28, 2023

Thank you for joining us!

Our theme this year was “So What? Faith in Action”, where we explored how Shining Waters is trying to put our faith into action. This year’s meeting was a hybrid, held both in-person at North Bramalea United Church and online in Zoom. Our meeting began on Friday May 26  and continued on Saturday May 27, 2023,  with our Celebration of Ministries service held on Sunday, May 28, 2023.

If you were unable to join us, not to worry. Below you will find the recordings of the Friday and Saturday sessions of the regional meeting along with pertinent meeting documents and any resources to be shared. We look forward to seeing everyone again soon!

Friday Session

Saturday Morning Session

Saturday Afternoon Session

Celebration of Ministries Service



Meeting Resources and Materials

These items are pending and will be added as they become available

  • Resource Book – [pdf | 84  pages] – PDF
  • Draft Meeting Agenda [pdf | 3 pages] – PDF  
  • Consent and Procedural Motions [pdf | 2 pages] – PDF
  • Holy Manners [pdf | 1 page] – PDF
  • Draft Minutes of Regional Meeting – May 28, 2022  [pdf | 6 pages] – PDF
  • Zoom Tip Sheet – includes how to vote during the meeting – [ pdf |  3 pages ] –  PDF
  • Proposals (4) – [pdf | 10 pages ] – PDF
  • Business: 2024 SWRC Draft Budget – [ pdf | 2 pages ]  – PDF – See our 2023 Regional Meeting Budget Information Page if you have any questions for clarification.
  • Reports: Digest of Actions – [ pdf | 16 pages ] – PDF
  • Reports: Regional Council Executive Accountability – [ pdf | 3  pages ]  – PDF
  • Reports: Communities of Faith Commission –  [ pdf | 2  pages ] – PDF
  • Reports: Intercultural Diversity Commission – [pdf | 2 pages] – PDF
  • Reports: Pastoral Relations Commission – [ pdf | 2 pages ] – PDF
  • Reports: Social and Ecological Justice Commission – [ pdf | 4 pages ] – PDF
  • Reports:  Nominations Committee – [pdf | 6 pages] – PDF
  • Reports: Emmanuel College – [ pdf | 2  pages ] – PDF
  • Reports: Centre for Christian Studies – [pdf | 2  pages] – PDF
  • Reports: Atlantic School of Theology – [pdf | 2 pages] – PDF
  • Reports: United Church Studies Program, Montreal Diocesan Theological College – [pdf | 2 pages] – PDF
  • Jubilands  [pdf | 2  pages] – PDF
  • Retirees – [pdf | 2 pages ] – PDF
  • In Memoriam – [ pdf | 4  pages ] – PDF


Townhall Meetings

Orientation Workshop

For Elected Lay Representatives and Ministry Personnel to the Shining Waters Regional Council and the 2023 Regional Meeting

Was held on  Tuesday, May 16, 2023 on Zoom
This orientation was for all Elected Lay Reps and Ministry Personnel but will be of particular interest to new attendees to the regional meeting.

During this evening session, you will be introduced to the context, governance and ministries of the Shining Waters Regional Council. We will briefly review the responsibilities of being a representative of the region. As well, you will be oriented to the upcoming 2023 Shining Waters Regional Meeting. Finally, this will an opportunity to connect with other Representatives – a familiar face that you can look for on May 26 at the Regional Meeting in Brampton!

The recording of this workshop is available by request by emailing

Orientation PowerPoint Presentation [PDF -24 pages]

Budget and Finance Town Hall

Held on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 on Zoom – We gathered together to have a conversation about our draft budget and regional finances in advance of the 2023 Shining Waters Regional Meeting. Additional topics: sources of our granting funds, including those housed at Toronto United Church Council (TUCC) and Presbyteries of Toronto Conference Corporation (PTCC). See our Regional Finances page for more information on what our funds support.
2024 SWRC Draft Budget [PDF – 2 pages]
See our 2023 Regional Meeting Budget Information Page if you have any questions for clarification.
TUCC Presentation to SWRC [PDF – 25 pages]

David Leyton-Brown


Letter from the President

We say that we are followers of Jesus and his teachings, but so what?  What difference does that make?  What do we do as a result, that we might not otherwise have done?  How do we live the love that Jesus wants us to be in the world? How do we translate our faith into action?  This meeting of Shining Waters Regional Council will invite you to think about the answers to these questions for yourselves, and for your communities of faith.  It will illustrate three areas in which Shining Waters is trying to put faith in action, and through discussion and interaction invite you to consider ways in which you can carry these actions into your own communities – intercultural diversity and equity, community ministry, and the environment.

The planning for this Regional Council meeting has recognized the heartfelt desire for connection and interaction, and has realized that members appreciate active engagement rather than passive listening.  We have been intentional about building in multiple opportunities for small group discussion and interaction, about each of the theme areas, and also in unstructured time to allow groups and topics to emerge.  Please take advantage of these opportunities, and let us know how satisfied you are with the experience.

David Leyton-Brown
President, Shining Waters Regional Council

PDF Download of President’s Letter



Shining Waters Regional Council is currently recruiting new members for the following commissions and committees:

  • Regional Council Executive
  • Communities of Faith Commission
  • Intercultural Diversity Commission
  • Social and Ecological Justice Commission
  • Grants and Mission Support Committee
  • Intentional Interim Ministry Committee
  • Licensed Lay Worship Leader Committee
  • Nominations Committee

The mandates for each of the commissions and committees can be found here:

Regional Council Executive (PDF | 2 pages)
Communities of Faith Commission (PDF | 3 pages)
Intercultural Diversity Commission (PDF | 2 pages)
Social and Ecological Justice Commission (PDF | 2 pages)
Grants and Mission Support Committee (PDF | 2 pages)
Intentional Interim Ministry Committee (PDF | 2 pages)
Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Committee (PDF | 2 pages)
Nominations Committee (PDF | 2 pages)

Thank you to all those who have already put forward their names for consideration as a new member of a committee or commission. The Nominations Committee is currently reviewing all submissions, but there are still spaces available.

Expressions of interest can still be sent to Jody Maltby at

Thank you for considering where your talents and experience might fit.


Let’s Connect!

Community Conversations Friday evening and Saturday evening

This year we’re offering a number of opportunities for folks to connect, both in-person and on-line, each evening during the regional meeting.


Friday, May 26th, 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Collaborative Ministry – an online conversation with Andrew Richardson and Diane Matheson-JimenezIn this online conversation, Andrew Richardson, Office of Vocation Minister for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council, Regional Council 15, and First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council, will share some of his musings and learnings as he has spoken with collaborators across the country. We will unpack the theology of collaboration and have space for participants to share their hopes/concerns/experiences of collaborative ministry.

Clusters – an in-person conversation with Patti Rogers and Jody Maltby
In this in-person conversation, we hope to inspire congregations that are not yet part of a cluster to consider forming one and for those in existing clusters to learn from one another. Participants will be invited to share insights about how and why their cluster was formed, how it functions and how it has enhanced the ministries in the participating congregations and their collective ministry together.

Saturday, May 27th, 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Community Conversations
Using an Open Space Format, participants will have the opportunity on Saturday morning to suggest topics of conversation for both online and in-person conversations, and then to indicate interest in those topics so we can get a sense of where to focus our energy. Conversations will occur on Saturday evening, facilitated by participants.

Guiding Principles and The Law of Two Feet
1. Whoever comes is the right people.
2. Whenever it starts is the right time.
3. Wherever it happens is the right place.
4. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.
5. When it’s over, it’s over.

The “Law of Two Feet” states that if at any time during the time together you find yourself in a situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet and go someplace else. In this way, all participants are given both the right and the responsibility to maximize their own learning and contribution.

Both Friday, May 26 and Saturday, May 27

Coffee House: If you’re looking for a space to relax, listen to some music and catch up with colleagues and friends, there will be a coffee house each evening. Musically inclined? Bring an instrument and perform a couple of numbers!
Art Room: Reflections on Faith in Action: This space will host two paintings, one by Ozhawa Anung Kweon and one by Krystin Waterworth, both queer artists who were invited to consider how faith is lived in action in this world. Each piece will be complimented by other pieces from artists within Shining Waters Regional Council. The art room is a space where you are invited to reflect on this year’s regional council theme through the lens of artistic expression.
Prayer Room: Send in your online prayer request below. In-person space available throughout meeting.
Books and Displays: Grand River Book Store will have books available for sale throughout the regional meeting, including the evening times. There will also be displays by a number of organizations connected to the regional council. And this year we are offering a used book space – come with books that you no longer need and leave with someone else’s treasures.