Pastoral Relations Resources

Church Hub

ChurchHub is the national database for information for every community of faith and all ministry personnel in The United Church of Canada. ChurchHub is part of a significant shift in the life of our church and how we live out our call to ministry and discipleship. It is both a policy that was passed by General Council to be “regularized as the required process for ministry personnel and communities of faith to search for calls and appointments” and the support structure for communication between the denomination, ministry personnel, communities of faith and members who participate in regional and denominational ministry.

To date, many groups have been invited to join ChurchHub, including:

  • all active ministry personnel
  • pastoral charge community of faith administrators
  • pastoral charge treasurers
  • candidates for ministry who recently began the Candidacy Pathway
  • search team chairs
  • various committees and task groups (both lay and ministry members), with more joining each month

Please note that ChurchHub requires a login using a unique e-mail for each account to keep your data safe. We recommend community of faith administrators use an organizational address if possible, such as office[@] or info[@], and others use their personal email.

Statistics, Assessment Tools, and Officers

Several features for Statistics, Assessments, and updating Officers and Roles are available in ChurchHub. Charge treasurers have also been invited to ChurchHub with access to Statistics and Assessment information. Learn more on The United Church of Canada's Statistics and Assessments page.

Search Teams

Pastoral Charge Community of Faith administrators can add a Search Team role via the Officers and Roles tile. See "Creating a Search Team Role" on The United Church of Canada's website under downloads here for details. When completed, search teams will receive an email invitation to join ChurchHub and will gain access to:

  • Community of Faith Profile
  • Submit a new position
  • Find a new Minister (once position is approved)
  • Record of Call or Appointment
  • Request Assistance

Learn More

Learn more about how ChurchHub fits into the strategy for the United Church. Watch videos or download how-to guides today!

Intro to ChurchHub Here

one hand reaching for a lower hand under water


Many issues on ChurchHub can be resolved quickly by reviewing items in the ChurchHub Support Centre.


Health and Safety

The United Church is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all staff and volunteers, and has policies in place to that effect. The following information is intended to assist all of our ministries in achieving this goal. Wherever a paid employee exists, there is an obligation to meet the provincial or territorial regulations related to health and safety. Please see the United Church Health and Safety page for more resources.

Code of Ethics for Youth Ministry The United Church of Canada 0 | PDF (9 pages) 2004 – This Code of Ethics and the accompanying commentary provide a standard for people involved in youth ministry leadership within The United Church of Canada. It may be used as a guide for education, training, screening and accountability for paid staff, volunteers, and those responsible for oversight of youth ministry

Faithful Footsteps Screening Procedures for Positions of Trust and Authority in The United Church of Canada: A Handbook.  | PDF (30 pages)  – This resource is intended to help institutions, organizations, ministries, camps and congregations understand the principles of screening, and to put these procedures into practice in the recruitment and selection of both staff and volunteers.

Police Record Checks Policies and Procedures Office of Vocation | PDF (8 pages) January 2019 – The policy about police records checks may be found under Oversight, Conflict Resolution and Discipline in section J.2.2 of The Manual. This resource includes changes to procedures that must be followed.The policy on police record checks for ministry personnel applies to members of the order of ministry, designated lay ministers, candidates, and those seeking admission or readmission to The United Church of Canada or ministry partner status.

Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy and Procedures  | PDF (35 pages) October 2023 – This resource contains policy and procedures for individuals who have experienced betrayal of trust within the United Church community because of sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment, pastoral sexual misconduct, sexual assault, child abuse, and sexual abuse. This resource outlines how these concerns may be addressed within the church. This policy applies to situations of sexual misconduct in the context of all sexual orientations.

United in Learning: Personal and Professional Boundary Issues for Church Leaders Webinars – These intro and refresher webinars explore some of the common boundary issues that can emerge in the practice of ministry, and discuss how to expand our repertoire of strategies for dealing with situations that can require careful judgment. The courses will be an opportunity to discuss best practices with others in church leadership across the country; find out how others cope with complicated boundary issues; and reflect on how to ensure that the church continues to be a safe and hospitable place for everyone.

United in Learning: Racial Justice Workshops – The racial justice educational sessions take place over four sessions. For sessions 1 and 2, which form the mandatory components, we will be meeting in separate groups according to our racial identities: one group are people who self-identify as Indigenous, racialized, and/or bi-racial, and another group are people who self-identify as White. Sessions 3 and 4, which are optional sessions, will be in racially mixed groups

Workplace Violence and Harrassment Policy  | PDF (2 pages) January 2019 – This policy outlines the process of making a complaint of harassment or violence toward anyone within the church—including lay employees or ministry personnel, and elected members or volunteers—will be taken seriously and dealt with in a spirit of compassion and justice. Complaints should be directed to the region’s Executive Minister.

Searching for a New Minister

First Steps

Looking for a new minister for your community of faith, but not sure where to start? STEP 1: Contact one of our Pastoral Relations Ministers who can help get you started. Please see our Staff Support section below for contact details.

Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith | PDF (18 pages) April 2020 – This resource expands on the policy found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual. It is specifically for communities of faith that are starting, changing, or ending a pastoral relationship. This resource contains policy and procedures that must be followed.

Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for Search and Selection | PDF (51 pages) April 2020

Completing a Call/Appointment Form Using ChurchHub | PDF (3 pages) April 7, 2020

2023 Minimum Salaries and Reimbursements for Ministry Personnel | PDF (10 pages) January 2023

Pulpit Supply

Looking for info on who’s available for guest Sunday preaching pulpit supply?  Please contact the regional office by emailing Donna Rutz at or speak with the Pastoral Relations Minister for your area (see below for contact information).

How much should we pay our guest preacher?

Visiting ministry personnel are paid a daily rate of $232, plus mileage of $.55 per kilometer, as outlined in the 2023 Minimum Salaries for Ministry Personnel. Please note that this is a minimum to be paid. When leading worship on a multi-point community of faith, it is intended that the guest preacher would receive above the minimum for one Sunday, but not necessarily the full rate for each worship service.

United Fresh Start

What is United Fresh Start?

Fresh Start is an educational program for ministry personnel and lay leaders serving congregations that are in transition. It offers the best insights and strategies developed over the last 25 years.

What are the modules?

There are 22 separate modules comprising the Fresh Start Program. The models focus on transition, leadership, organizational development, conflict management and other key topics.

United Fresh Start (June 2019 |PDF | 2 pg) An overview of modules

New: E-modules!

As a result of the pandemic, United Fresh Start has begun to develop “e-modules”—modules that can be delivered virtually via Zoom. Two e-modules are available through a Shining Waters Fresh Start facilitator:

  1. Entering a New System: The purpose for this module is to help participants understand that communities of faith are living systems and that the way new people enter the system can have a substantial impact on their ministry. This module provides some tools for new leaders and their communities of faith to get to know each other, and learn about the community of faith’s history, culture and expectations.

  2. Transition: Understanding the difference between change and transition will help participants recognize individual and group dynamics in times of change and equip them to respond accordingly.

Handouts for Transition module:

Reflection 1: Experience with Transitions
Reflection 2: Self in Transitions
Reflection 3: Community of Faith in Transitions

How can we get started?

Several Fresh Start Facilitators are being trained throughout the United Church and are available to lead groups of both ministry personnel and lay people as they increase their knowledge and skills.

For more information visit the United Fresh Start website 

Voluntary Associate Ministers

A Voluntary Associate Minister (VAM) is a recognized ordered minister in good standing of The United Church of Canada who is retired or between calls or appointment. A community of faith and the called or appointed minister must request approval by the Pastoral Relations Commission for the appointment of a VAM.

The Process

An ordered minister may enter into an agreement with a community of faith and the incumbent minister(s) to serve as a Voluntary Associate Minister. The VAM application form is available on the Shining Waters Regional Council website, see link below. The on-line form requires the agreement of the Pastoral Charge, the called or appointed Ministry Personnel, and the Voluntary Associate Minister. By hitting submit, the completed form will be sent to Shining Waters Regional Council and forwarded to the next Pastoral Relations Commission for consideration and approval.

Once the request has been approved, Shining Waters Regional Council will retain a copy and provide an emailed copy to the community of faith Secretary or Board/Session (or equivalent), the called or appointed Ministry Personnel, and the Voluntary Associate Minister.

If the request is not approved, Shining Waters Regional Council will contact all parties.

Online VAM Application Form  | February 2022 – Link to online application form for new VAMs to be approved by the region.

Voluntary Associate Minister (VAM) Policy | PDF  (2 pages) February 2022 – This policy outlines the regulations regarding Voluntary Associate Ministers (VAMs) in Shining Waters Regional Council. Also see the VAM Application Form above, for new VAMs to be approved by the region.

Staff Support




Phone: 416-231-7680  |  1-800-268-3781
Extension: 6147

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from home

Role: Eun-Joo encourages and supports both communities of faith and ministry personnel.

Contact Eun-Joo about: Conflict Resolution; Finding A New Minister; Lay Employees; M+P Committees; Licenses To Administer Sacraments; Pastoral Relationships Policy; Resources for Transition Times; Retirement; Sabbaticals; Sick Leave; Short Term Supply Ministers; Visiting Minister Options.  Eun-Joo is responsible for all the Communities of Faith and ministry personnel in the region that are located south of Highway 407 and generally east of Yonge St.



Pastoral Relations Minister

Direct Phone: 249-489-1015

Serves in: Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils

Location: Teleworks from his home.

Role: Rob encourages and supports ministry personnel toward health, joy, and excellence in ministry practice.

Contact Rob about: Conflict Resolution; Finding A New Minister; Licensed Lay Worship Leaders; Licenses To Administer Sacraments; Pastoral Relationships Policy; Resources for Transition Times; Retirement; Sabbaticals; Sick Leave; Short Term Supply Ministers; Visiting Minister Options. Rob is responsible for all the Communities of Faith and ministry personnel in the region that are located south of Highway 407 and generally west of Yonge St.



COMMUNITIES OF FAITH AND PASTORAL RELATIONS MINISTER; Intercultural Diversity, Anti-Racism and Right Relations Minister

Phone: 416-231-7680  |  1-800-268-3781
Extension: 6173

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from her home in Toronto

Role: Kim encourages and connects both ministry personnel and communities of faith in their work and supports indigenous ministries in their relationship with the region and promotes and supports racial justice.

Contact Kim about: Anti-Racism; Conflict Resolution; Covenants; Governance; Intercultural Ministry; Right Relations; Vision and Mission. Kim is responsible for those congregations and ministry personnel in the region that consider themselves to be an ethnic-cultural Community of Faith, often associated with the country of origin or language of members or members’ ancestors.



Pastoral Relations Minister

Direct Phone: 249-480-0393

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks and works in the Guthrie Office.

Role: Todd encourages and supports ministry personnel toward health, joy, and excellence in ministry practice.

Contact Todd about: Conflict Resolution; Finding A New Minister; Licensed Lay Worship Leaders; Licenses To Administer Sacraments; Pastoral Relationships Policy; Resources for Transition Times; Retirement; Sabbaticals; Sick Leave; Short Term Supply Ministers; Visiting Minister Options. Todd is responsible for all the Communities of Faith and ministry personnel in the region that are located north of Highway 407.




Direct Phone: 249-489-1016

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from home

Role: Andrea encourages and supports both communities of faith and ministry personnel.

Contact Andrea about: Conflict Resolution; Finding A New Minister; Lay Employees; M+P Committees; Licenses To Administer Sacraments; Pastoral Relationships Policy; Resources for Transition Times; Retirement; Sabbaticals; Sick Leave; Short Term Supply Ministers; Visiting Minister Options.  Andrea is responsible for Communities of Faith and ministry personnel in the region that are located north of Highway 407.




Direct Phone: 289-769-0021

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from home

Role: Mastard encourages and supports both communities of faith and ministry personnel.

Contact Mastard about: Conflict Resolution; Finding A New Minister; Lay Employees; M+P Committees; Licenses To Administer Sacraments; Pastoral Relationships Policy; Resources for Transition Times; Retirement; Sabbaticals; Sick Leave; Short Term Supply Ministers; Visiting Minister Options.  Mastard is responsible for Communities of Faith and ministry personnel in the region that are located north of Highway 407.