Social Justice
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Peace and Justice for Palestine and Israel | International Womens Day | Paid Sick Days | P.I.E. Day | Poverty Reduction | Resources | Staff
Peace and Justice for Palestine and Israel
Three Religions Forum in Solidarity with Palestinians Under Occupation
A Three Religions Forum in Solidarity with Palestinians Under Occupation was held May 14, 2024. Please see the video which contains the Introduction to the event and the presentations made by the three guest speakers: Rabbi David Mivasair, The Rev. Dr. Michelle Voss, and Iman Taha Ghayyur. The speakers explored and debunked myths of their own faiths that have allowed or encouraged division and hostility among them with tragic results. This event was sponsored by the Social and Ecological Justice Commission and by the Palestine Network (PalNet), both of Shining Waters Regional Council, as well as by Kairos Toronto West, the Ontario Federation of Labour and the UNIFOR Social Justice Fund.
Raising Our Voices
By adopting the Raising our Voices proposal, Shining Waters Region committed itself to
“speak out on human rights for Palestinians in an effort to support the ending of the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands, and specifically, to provide practical resources and support to communities of faith in the Region so that they may divest from funds invested in companies profiting from the Israeli occupation of Palestine.”
Here are the five stages that can help your community of faith to respond to the proposal. Click on them to get more detail. These stages are designed to get the whole community of faith on board so that everyone can become a storyteller about this important issue.
Discovery stage
Consult one or more of these lists of companies operating in the settlements to see if you hold any shares in congregational funds and start to organize leadership to assist with the remaining stages.
Consensus-building stage
Inform your community of faith about what you have discovered and offer an opportunity to learn about the issue and develop a community consensus on divestment.
Action stage
Sell any shares your community of faith may hold in companies doing business in illegal Israeli settlements.
Raising your voice stage
Make your decision and reasons public. Perhaps the most important stage.
Encouragement stage
Urge the members and friends of the community of faith to explore their own holdings, and follow through on divestment and sharing their decision with others.
Download and print the poster for your community of faith: The Five Stages Poster (PDF – sized for 11 x 17 paper)
Please see our Raising Our Voices page for a full indepth look at divestment and other pertinent resources for your community of faith.
International Women’s Day – March 8
March 8 is International Women’s Day. The first International Women’s Day was recognized in Denmark in 1911 and labour movements for women’s equal participation were also taking place in North America. In 1975, the United Nations recognized the first International Women’s Day in recognition and celebration of women’s and girls’ social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. Every year March 8 continues to amplify gender equality, advocacy, and the work remaining to be done.
Get to know more Canadian women and self-identifying women who make the world more bias-free and equitable. Have a Happy International Women’s Day! See here for videos and more resources.
Paid Sick Days
Despite evidence and advice from physicians and epidemiologists, as well as the overwhelming calls from constituents across the province, the Ontario Government has failed to institute sick pay for Ontario workers. Many of these employees have been working in essential jobs throughout the COVID-19 pandemic — jobs that often necessitate being onsite, among colleagues and/or the general public. Although those who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 are asked to remain home and self-isolate, many cannot afford the loss of wages and so return to work, potentially infecting co-workers and the general public.
As adherents and members of the United Church of Canada, we come from a tradition where loving God is inextricably tied to loving our neighbour. There are countless examples in sacred scripture of Jesus and the prophets needing time to rest and heal so that they might be well enough to carry on with the work at hand. In this case, loving our neighbour means providing for the time needed to rest and recover, so that our communities may remain safe from growing numbers of infection.
Poverty Reduction
- engage in education and advocacy around the need for increased social assistance in the form of higher income rates and that these rates be indexed to the cost of inflation.
- name a lead poverty advocate to connect with the Social and Ecological Justice Commission, this name to be provided as soon as possible – by the end of June if that can be achieved.
We were encouraged by the almost unanimous support we received from the delegates to the regional council meeting. Your representatives (clergy or lay) who attended the meeting can give you more details about the discussion that took place.
As well as calling on communities of faith to act, the Regional Council meeting also called on the Government of Ontario to immediately:
- raise social assistance rates starting with an increase that would bring them to the Deep Poverty Threshold (that is 75% of the Market Basket Measure (MBM),
- collapse the basic amount and shelter allowance into a standard Flat Rate benefit,
- index OW and ODSP rates to inflation, and
- initiate a multi-year plan to raise social assistance incomes above the Market Basket Measure of Poverty
and committed to take steps, working with other regional councils across Ontario, to create a social justice liaison position with the provincial government, with a report back to the next regional council meeting.
As we respond to the needs of our neighbours, we invite you to participate in our listening, support, advocacy, and justice work as we envision a world where none go hungry or are marginalized. Read more about it on our Poverty Reduction page and register to be a poverty advocate for your community of faith.
P.I.E. Day Resources
A small group of friends of Horseshoe Falls and Shining Waters Regional Councils came together to talk about the ways Scripture has been used – and misused – to cause harm to 2SLGBTQIA+ people. We talked about ways the United Church perpetuated that harm. We talked about how far we have come as a denomination – and how far we have left to go. We celebrated the progress that has been made and we wondered what we might offer to help communities of faith engage in an important conversation on a day that has been set apart for acknowledging our call to be Public Intentional and Explicit in inclusion of 2SLGBTQIA+ kin.
The result of our conversation is this resource – reflections on lectionary readings for March 13th , 2022 (the Sunday before PIE Day), a litany of persistence and resistance, and even a story for children’s time. We pray this offering will generate meaningful dialogue and creativity about the ways we embrace the wonderful diversity of all God’s people.
Use this resource. Share this resource. Add to this resource.
See our P.I.E. Day Resource Page for more info.
Staff Support

Justice and Faith Formation Minister
Direct Phone: 249-489-2004
Serves in: Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks from her home
Role: Shawn encourages and connects communities of faith with matters of faith and justice and the regional council in youth and young adult ministry and matters of faith formation and liaises with the General Council in this regard.
Contact Shawn about: Affirming Ministry; Camping Ministries; Faith Formation; Guaranteed Income; Harm Reduction; Homelessness; Poverty; Social and Eco-justice; Worship and Music; Youth and Young Adult Ministry, United Church Women (UCW)

Administrative Support
Direct Phone: 249-480-0390
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council
Location: Teleworks and works in the Guthrie office
Role: Celio provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.