Thank you for joining us for our 2022 Shining Waters Regional Council Meeting and Celebration of Ministries Service, which was held over the weekend. In case you missed some or all of the meeting, we have compiled a summary of the decisions below. As well both Friday and Saturday afternoon meeting sessions were recorded and are available for viewing on our website.
The video recording of our Celebration of Ministry Service held at St. Paul’s United Church in Orillia, as part of the regional meeting on Sunday, May 29, 2022 is now available on our Celebration of Ministries page.
With apologies due to broadcasting technical difficulties, the livestream recording ended early and we do not have the communion portion or the end of the service.
A Message from Rev. Betty Lou McNabb

Rev. Betty Lou McNabb announced at the regional meeting that she has submitted her notice of resignation, effective May 29, 2022, and would be stepping down as president of the region due to health concerns.
See below for her full statement.
Past-President David Leyton-Brown will step in as president for a term of one year, and President-Elect Rev. Tina Conlon will begin her term as president in 2023.
We thank Betty Lou for her work and leadership, and appreciate her time with us. We will keep her in our hearts and prayers.
To Shining Waters Regional Council Executive, The Court of the Region as a whole and to the Staff,
It is with a deep sadness I announce my resignation as President.
Due to heart health concerns I’ll be stepping down from my responsibilities as President of Shining Waters Regional Council as of the end of this annual meeting May 29, 2022. David Leyton-Brown will pick up the Presidency reigns again until Rev. Tina Conlon becomes your president in a year’s time.
I will also be leaving my Community of Faith, The Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as of June 1, 2022 with a deep and profound loss of family. Heart concerns seem to take on a life of their own once they present themselves.
God’s peace and grace I leave with you.
Thank you, Miig wech for the honour and privilege to serve as your President-elect and President these last two years.
Rev. Betty Lou McNabb
Summary of Decisions
The following motions were considered and voted on at the meeting with the following results:
Motion: That Shining Waters Regional Council adopt the proposal #SW2022-01, Raising and Indexing Social Assistance Rates in Ontario as presented.
Motion – Carried
Motion: That Shining Waters Regional council adopt the proposal, #SW2022-02, Statistics and Financal Reporting for Shining Waters Region as presented.
Motion – Carried
Financial Report and Budget
Read the Financial Report here.
Motion: That Shining Waters Regional Council approve the 2023 draft budget as presented.
Motion – Carried
Read the Nominations Report here.
Motion: That Shining Waters Regional Council elect those listed in the Nominations Report to serve on the Shining Waters Regional Council Executive, Commissions and Committees of Shining Waters Regional Council for the stated terms.
Motion – Carried
Thank you again to all who were able to join us and we look forward to our next regional meeting when we can gather together again. Blessings on your summer!