2023 Regional Council meeting – save the date!
The Shining Waters Executive has set the date for the 2023 Regional Council meeting:
May 26 – 28, 2023
North Bramalea United Church
363 Howden Blvd., Brampton
The theme chosen is: So What? Faith in Action
The Celebration of Ministry service will take place the afternoon of Sunday, May 28th at North Bramalea United Church.
Social and Ecological Justice Commission
This past summer, The United Church of Canada was challenged by the action of General Council to take more concrete climate action. We were invited and challenged to “amplify and integrate current initiatives in a bold, hopeful denominational climate strategy that accelerates reductions toward the goal of an 80% decrease in emissions by 2030.”
As a result of that General Council challenge, the Social and Ecological Justice Commission invites you to attend an online information session about how, together, we might vision and achieve such a goal.
Committed to Climate Action: How to Reach 80% Emissions Reduction by 2030
Monday, November 21, 2022
7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 0369 5467
Or, by phone, dial in by your location.
*Please use local numbers when feasible to save costs for the church.*
647 558 0588 Canada
647 374 4685 Canada
1 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free
There is no cost and no need to register. However, we are happy to send you materials in advance if you would like to know more. Please contact Jeffrey Dale at jdale@united-church.ca
At its October meeting, the Executive approved a Finance Committee Policy. This policy outlines the mandate, purpose, authority, membership and responsibilities of the Finance Committee and the relationship with the Executive. This will now go to the Nominations Committee to populate the Committee.
Pastoral Relations Commission
One of the mandates of the Pastoral Relations Commission is to encourage and support ministry personnel toward health, joy, and excellence in ministry practice.
At the June 2022 meeting, the Commission supported a new direction for support to ministers: Clergy Peer Learning Group program. Clergy peer learning groups are all about ministers helping ministers thrive. After over two years of COVID-19, ministers have spoken about growing isolation. The purpose of the Clergy Peer Learning Group initiative is to provide a safe and supported space for up to eight groups of ministers to meet in order to decrease feelings of isolation and, more importantly, to provide a space for new learning. The program is launching November 1 with an application process. If you are a minister and would like to learn more, please visit the Flourish website page, and look for “Clergy Peer Learning Groups.”
Communities of Faith Commission
Elected Lay Reps Forum
On October 19th the Communities of Faith Commission launched their series of forums for elected Lay Representatives across the region. This first forum gave an overview of Shining Waters Regional Council and participants came away with a snapshot of the Regional Council and the Lay Rep’s role.
Here is a link to the Lay Reps page on the Shining Waters website: https://shiningwatersregionalcouncil.ca/communities-of-faith/lay-reps/ The page includes a recording of the October 19th forum along with relevant documents and resources referred to in the forum.
Stay tuned for the next one!
Welcoming New Immigrants and Students
from Hong Kong to The United Church of Canada
There are many reasons why people leave their country for Canada. More recent newcomers from Hong Kong are often arriving from increasingly unsafe situations and many have witnessed or experienced human rights oppressions.
Keswick-Ravenshoe Pastoral Charge is a two-point United Church community in Shining Waters Regional Council offering support for these newcomers and an introduction to The United Church of Canada. The letter below, in Chinese and English, is for you to share with any recent newcomers from Hong Kong in your communities of faith. You are invited to hand them out, post them in your church, or share in your newsletters or social media.
Welcoming Letter and Translation [ PDF – 5 pages ]