Author: Donna Rutz

Recently, the Social and Ecological Justice Commission endorsed a private members motion which urges the Canadian Government to create a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income for all Canadians over the age of 18 years. A letter in support and signed by our Regional Council president, David Layton-Brown, has been sent to the Prime Minister, deputy Prime Minister and leaders of the opposition parties.

Currents follows the recent meeting of the Shining Waters Regional Council Executive held on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Minutes from all commissions and committees are posted here, once they are approved. In the meantime, here is the latest decisions: The Executive passed a motion that the in-person regional meeting currently scheduled for October 16 - 18, 2020, be moved to an online meeting, and include a Celebration of Ministries service held online. Details are still to be determined....

To:  Partners in Ministry in the Shining Waters Region From:  Members of the Social and Ecological Justice Commission In a commission meeting on May 27th, 2020, the Social & Ecological Justice Commission was asked to consider endorsing two calls to action in response to what has been learned about the situations in Long Term Care Facilities in Ontario. Both the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition (ISARC) and the Ontario Health Coalition have written to the Premier and Cabinet...