Hello friends!

Shining Waters has started a Clergy Peer Learning Group program with the hopes that ministers can gather together and support each other through this strange, random and wonderful time to be in ministry. What can we learn about leadership, together? In what ways can we have each other’s back in a safe place to reflect on ministry with a learning focus connected to Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice? Whether by Zoom and in person, it is critical to be in community with colleagues reflecting and learning together, rooted in loving kindness for each other. To learn more about how to form a group (come to the application process with the names of 7-8 persons of group) and apply to be part, go to https://shiningwatersregionalcouncil.ca/pastoral-relations/flourish/ and look for “Clergy Peer Learning Groups”.

Some of you have been in touch with me saying that you have a great idea for a peer learning group but do not know who would like to join in a peer learning. I get it. We do not have the local gatherings like presbytery any more. The pandemic has also isolated many of us as colleagues.

I’ve also heard from ministers who would love to be part of a peer learning group but do not know colleagues well enough to spark a group.

We want to connect ministers with great ideas to ministers who are looking for a peer learning group.

Starting today, if you have an idea for a peer learning group and are looking for other ministers to join you, you can email Donna Rutz (drutz@united-church.ca). Just give Donna the following information: Your name, your email address, your telephone number, your geographical location (nearest town/city) and the learning focus idea in one paragraph. Donna will post your name, the learning focus idea and general geographical location only on our website. Other ministers can visit our website and click on the learning focus of interest closest to them, and we’ll help you connect.

Our hope is this will spark some life-giving connections.

For those of you who have a group of 7 to 8 colleagues already self selected, one person go ahead and fill out the application form here. We’d love to hear from you. Due date for applications is January 15, 2023

Have a blessed Advent!