SEJC Microgrants

The Social and Ecological Justice Commission of Shining Waters Region is supporting faith communities as they undertake social and ecological justice initiatives in their communities.

Social Justice Initiatives

Social justice initiatives would work to improve justice by tackling local issues under these themes. (*Note, if your theme is 2SLGBTQIA+ Advocacy and Inclusion or Right Relations please investigate financing options with the relevant Commission first before applying here. If you still wish to apply here, select the ‘Other Social Justice Initiatives’ and identify your request.)

  • Homelessness and Poverty
  • Guaranteed Livable Income
  • Economic Justice
  • Israel/Palestine
  • Anti-Racism
  • Other Social Justice Initiatives*


Ecological Justice Initiatives

Ecological justice initiatives would work to improve justice by tackling local issues under these themes:

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Biodiversity Loss / Plastic Waste
  • Planetary Overshoot Issues / Ecocide
  • Environmental Racism / Inequity
  • Climate Anxiety
  • Other Ecological Justice Initiatives


Social Justice Initiatives Application

Ecological Justice Initiatives Application

We are welcoming any visions that improve justice in your area. Financing up to $400 is available towards whatever resources you need to realize your vision. (This may include, but are not limited to, supplies, food, guest speakers, honorarium, and advertising.)
Submit your idea (with a short description and budget outline) on the appropriate application form linked above.

We are excited to hear from you!


Leading from the Heart Project

Leading from the Heart (2)

Are you a youth (under 30) who is concerned about environmental and social crisis facing humanity, and wish you could do something about it but need a bit of support?  Have you ever wondered how faith can help us fight for a better world? The Social and Ecological Justice Commission would like to collaborate with you!

Leading from the Heart is a program developed to help empower youth voices like your own on key issues related to the themes of the United Churches Social and Ecological Justice Commission, including but not limited to:

  • Ecological Justice (Including Climate Change)
  • Anti-Racism
  • Homelessness and Poverty
  • Israel/Palestine
  • Right Relations
  • LGBTQ2S+ Advocacy and Inclusion


Whatever event you can imagine, as long as it connects to these themes, is welcome.  When you apply to the program, you will be matched to a United Church mentor who will help you access space for your event, logistical support, and $500 towards whatever resources you need to realize your vision. (This may include, but are not limited to, supplies, food, guest speakers, honorarium, and advertising).

Submit your idea (with a short description and budget outline) here.  Or for more questions email Shawn Redden at or Celio de Andrade Santos Jr at

We are excited to hear from you!

Staff Support



Justice and Faith Formation Minister

Direct Phone: 249-489-2004

Serves in: Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils

Location: Teleworks from her home

Role: Shawn encourages and connects communities of faith with matters of faith and justice and the regional council in youth and young adult ministry and matters of faith formation and liaises with the General Council in this regard.

Contact Shawn about: Affirming Ministry; Camping Ministries; Faith Formation; Guaranteed Income; Harm Reduction; Homelessness; Poverty; Social and Eco-justice; Worship and Music; Youth and Young Adult Ministry, United Church Women (UCW)



Administrative Support

Direct Phone: 249-480-0390

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council

Location: Teleworks and works in the Guthrie office

Role: Celio provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.