blue water with text Currents the latest news from SWRC

Thank you for joining us for our 2023 Shining Waters Regional Council Meeting and Celebration of Ministries Service, which was on May 26 to 28, 2023. In case you missed some or all of the meeting, we have compiled a summary of the decisions below. As well both Friday and Saturday meeting sessions were recorded and are available for viewing on our website.

The video recording of our Celebration of Ministry Service held as part of the regional meeting on Sunday, May 28, 2023 is now available on our Celebration of Ministries page.

Thank you again to all those who participated and celebrated with us this year. We look forward to seeing you at our next regional event.

Summary of Decisions

​The following motions were considered and voted on at the meeting with the following results:


Read all proposals here.

Motion: that Shining Waters Regional Council adopt the proposal SW2023-01, A Vision for the Post-Pandemic Church from a Community Ministries Perspective as presented.
Motion – Carried

Motion: that Shining Waters Regional Council adopt the proposal SW2023-02 Funding Community Ministry as a Priority for the Church as presented.
Motion – Carried

Motion: that Shining Waters Regional Council adopt proposal SW2023-03 and affirm a process for an election during the regional meeting that involves all candidates for President-Elect.
Motion – Carried

Motion: that Shining Waters Regional Council adopt the proposal SW2023-04, Working for a Guaranteed Liveable Income for all Canadians as presented.
Motion – Carried

GC Remit 1: Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization

GC Remit 1: Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization was presented. All communities of faith are encouraged to study this remit and vote by March 31, 2024.

This is a Category 3 Remit, and so requires a vote by every regional council and each pastoral charge’s governing body. If a regional council or a pastoral charge does not register a vote, that is considered a vote against the proposal.

Here is the link to the study resources: Remit 1: Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization | United Church 44th General Council (

SWRC will hold a special meeting in the fall to consider this remit.

Financial Report and Budget

Read the Financial Report here.

Motion: that Shining Waters Regional Council approve the 2024 preliminary budget as presented.
Motion – Carried


Read the Nominations Report here.

Motion: That Shining Waters Regional Council elect those listed in the Nominations Report to serve on the Shining Waters Regional Council Executive, Commissions and Committees of Shining Waters Regional Council for the stated terms. 
Motion – Carried

Welcome to New President of SWRC

headshot of Tina Conlon

We welcome Rev. Maria Christina Conlon as our new President of Shining Waters Regional Council! And thank Past-President David Leyton-Brown for his hard work and time as president this past year. Best wishes on both your journeys!

Thank you again to all who were able to join us and we look forward to our next regional meeting when we can gather together again. Blessings on your summer!

shining waters regional council logo and affirm logo