Worship Resources
Quick links to sections on this page:
Pulpit Supply | Prayer List | United in Worship | Labyrinth | Sermon Project | Other Resources | Staff Support
The work of the people in our communities of faith continues from week to week, Sunday by Sunday, and throughout the year. We hope the resources available below and the links listed here will assist your worshipping community.
Sunday Pulpit Supply
For a list of people who are able to do pulpit supply for ministers’ vacation coverage in the summer and/or the occasional Sunday filling in, it is now available online on ChurchHub. Your community of faith will have an account, once you are logged in you will be able to access the list. You can find instructions on how to locate the pulpit supply list once you’ve logged in here: https://ch.united-church.ca/hc/en-ca/articles/18447444644493-Pulpit-Supply-List
Look for Shining Waters Regional Council from the drop down list and you should be good to go with the most recent listing. If you have any trouble with ChurchHub, please email ministry@united-church.ca and they will be able to assist you further.
Regional Prayer List
Each year, from the start of January until the end of December, your community of faith is invited into weekly prayer for one another, following an intentional community of faith prayer list which includes each church across Shining Waters Regional Council. You’re welcome to share this list with your church leaders, administrators and council, and others in your ministry areas, to include our wider community in your weekly prayers, bulletins, power points, newsletters, etc.
United In Worship Project
The United in Worship Project resources are available to all United Churches. Their aim is to provide ready-to-use materials for communities of faith currently worshipping without clergy and/or untrained lay-members.
Material includes:
- Order of Service
- Digital Presentation
- Sermon Text
- Video Sermon
There is an annual subscription fee of $232.00 for access from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. This reflects the cost of ONE PULPIT SUPPLY for the year and provides a minimum of 52 weeks of worship for the year plus all the archives.
For more information, please see their website: https://www.united-in-worship.ca/
Regional Labyrinth
The regional canvas labyrinth is available to borrow. It is stored at the Shining Waters regional office in Toronto, 963 Pharmacy Avenue. Our canvas labyrinth is 40 x 40 feet when laid out on the floor and is intended for indoor use only. It is stored in 3 separate pieces, each in a canvas bag that is quite heavy.\
Guidelines for Use
- Please keep the labyrinth as clean as possible.
- Sweep the floor before use and ensure that is is clean and dry before unfolding the labyrinth.
- Place the entrance in the spot where people can access it easily.
- Before and while you are unfolding the labyrinth, pay close attention as to how it is originally folded. You will need to put it away in the same manner in which it came to you. Please try to avoid as many wrinkles as possible when folding it up.
- Please walk the labyrinth in bare or sock feet, unless you need your shoes for accessibility or safety reasons. The community of faith may consider providing booties to cover shoes if needed.
- Only battery operated candles are permissible on the labyrinth.
- Sweep the labyrinth with a clean, dry broom before folding and returning to the bags.
How to borrow it
Request to borrow the labyrinth by contacting Donna Rutz at drutz@united-church.ca to check dates for availability and to arrange when it can be picked up and returned to the regional office.

Labyrinth Links
Here are some helpful links for more information about labyrinths.
Ontario Labyrinth Community Directory – An alphabetized listing of labyrinth locations in Ontario.
Labyrinth Locator – A world-wide labyrinth locator.
Paxworks – Offers portable labyrinths and various supplies and services for purchase.
Shining Waters Sermon Project
As congregations continue to worship online, Shining Waters Regional Council has been curating worship resources for communities of faith.
The Shining Waters Sermon Project features students from within the Region who have recorded sermons and scripture readings for communities of faith within Shining Waters Regional Council to utilize as they wish. These video recordings are produced in the hope that churches will engage a diversity of voices within their communities on Sundays when ministry personnel are in need of time to be with their community in different ways. The topics discussed in the various videos include anti-racism, mental health, queer theology and communal responsibility.
Watch for new videos as they get added to the Shining Waters Sermon Project page.
For more information about the project please contact, Youth and Young Adults admin support staff Celio de Andrade Santos at cdeandrade@united-church.ca.
Other Resources
The Revised Common Lectionary – scripture readings for the coming week and table of readings for the current season.
The Text This Week – helpful essays and resources for study, reflection and liturgy pertaining to each week’s lectionary texts.
The United Church of Canada Worship Resources – weekly resources, upcoming special celebrations and liturgical dates, and featured seasonal themes.
Staff Support
Staff support for this ministry is pending. If you need assistance please contact:

Administrative Support
Direct Phone: 249-480-0390
Email: cdeandrade@united-church.ca
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council
Location: Teleworks and works in the Guthrie office
Role: Celio provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.