Faith Formation
Faith formation is at the heart of what the Christian life is all about. As we engage in daily spiritual practices, as we participate in the rituals of our faith communities, as we work for justice and peace—our faith is nurtured, enlivened, sustained, and formed. The ministry of faith formation takes seriously the prophet Isaiah’s image of Potter God actively forming humanity: we are always in formation by and for God.
Faith Formation News
See below to find the latest news about what is upcoming for Faith Formation with your Community of Fatih:
Faith Formation October Newsletter

A Gift for the Season! Free Resource for an Advent Small Group Study
We are offering every Community of Faith a gift this Advent season! By means of a regional subscription you can access an Advent Small Group Study created by the Prayer Bench entitled Advent Longing.
We hope this will be a gift for busy ministers and lay leaders in this Advent season who want a faith formation opportunity for their community of faith.
This Advent Small Group Study invites participants to nurture longing as a powerful spiritual gift through an imaginative pilgrimage in an old-growth forest. It encourages us to notice longing in our ordinary days, recognize its gifts during times of desolation and reclamation, and welcome “thin spaces”—those moments of connection, support, and hope. In the context of a planetary crisis, we explore how to activate Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love in the world God loves.
What You Receive with this Downloadable Resource
- Complete Leader’s Guide for three Advent sessions with ideas for Opening, Singing, Movement or Sound Prayers, Conversation prompts, a Group Spiritual Practice, and Closing.
- Three 8-10-minute audio recordings.
- Three scripts of the audio recordings to download and copy so participants can follow along.
- Access to a Prayer Bench webpage with all the study materials, downloadable image for social media promotion, customizable poster for the series, and other resources related to the study.
This gift subscription is made possible by Canadian Shield Regional Council Mustard Seed Grant,
and by Shining Waters Regional Council faith formation programming funds.
Subscribe Here
Advent Small Group Study Taster on Zoom
Thursday, Nov. 7 at 11am
An introduction to the Advent Small Group Study for Leaders with Janice MacLean of Prayer Bench,
offering background information and hints for leading the process. Time for comments and questions.
Note: Can’t make the session on Nov 7th? Our friends in Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls and Western Ontario Waterways Regional Councils are also hosting a Taster zoom session on Nov 22, at 1 p.m. Register here:
OR: Our friends in East Central Ontario Region are hosting a Taster zoom session on Nov 25, at 7pm. Register here:
Leading from the Heart Project

Are you a youth (under 30) who is concerned about environmental and social crisis facing humanity, and wish you could do something about it but need a bit of support? Have you ever wondered how faith can help us fight for a better world? The Social and Ecological Justice Commission would like to collaborate with you!
Leading from the Heart is a program developed to help empower youth voices like your own on key issues related to the themes of the United Churches Social and Ecological Justice Commission, including but not limited to:
- Ecological Justice (Including Climate Change)
- Anti-Racism
- Homelessness and Poverty
- Israel/Palestine
- Right Relations
- LGBTQ2S+ Advocacy and Inclusion
Whatever event you can imagine, as long as it connects to these themes, is welcome. When you apply to the program, you will be matched to a United Church mentor who will help you access space for your event, logistical support, and $500 towards whatever resources you need to realize your vision. (This may include, but are not limited to, supplies, food, guest speakers, honorarium, and advertising).
Submit your idea (with a short description and budget outline) here. Or for more questions email Shawn Redden at or Celio de Andrade Santos Jr at
We are excited to hear from you!
Staff Support

Justice and Faith Formation Minister
Direct Phone: 249-489-2004
Serves in: Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks from her home
Role: Shawn encourages and connects communities of faith with matters of faith and justice and the regional council in youth and young adult ministry and matters of faith formation and liaises with the General Council in this regard.
Contact Shawn about: Affirming Ministry; Camping Ministries; Faith Formation; Guaranteed Income; Harm Reduction; Homelessness; Poverty; Social and Eco-justice; Worship and Music; Youth and Young Adult Ministry, United Church Women (UCW)

Administrative Support
Direct Phone: 249-480-0390
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council
Location: Teleworks and works in the Guthrie office
Role: Celio provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.