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Recently, the Social and Ecological Justice Commission endorsed a private members motion which urges the Canadian Government to create a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income for all Canadians over the age of 18 years. A letter in support and signed by our Regional Council president, David Layton-Brown, has been sent to the Prime Minister, deputy Prime Minister and leaders of the opposition parties.

Here's a link to our 2020 Pride Newsletter  which includes resources on how to: Create a public sign of welcome to the LGBTQ2S community Record a "Happy Pride" greeting for the virtual pride celebrations Join with United Church friends on Sunday, June 28 at 1PM for a gathering Share For the Great Diversity prayer in your own worship and social media Join in a community pride event -- add your event on our website Sing David Kai's wonderful hymn, We Are A Rainbow

A Regional Statement on Anti-Black Violence and Racism – Racism is an ongoing sin existing within our communities.  It is with both lament and anger that we respond to the recent killing of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement officers, as well as additional examples of anti-Black violence emerging across North America. The deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and Regis Korchinski-Paquet further highlight the injustices encountered by Black civilians every single day. Anti-Black discrimination is not new, and it is important to name the systemic racism that exists within the Canadian context, as well as within the Church.

Currents follows the recent meeting of the Shining Waters Regional Council Executive held on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Minutes from all commissions and committees are posted here, once they are approved. In the meantime, here is the latest decisions: The Executive passed a motion that the in-person regional meeting currently scheduled for October 16 - 18, 2020, be moved to an online meeting, and include a Celebration of Ministries service held online. Details are still to be determined....