Category: Anti-racism

Guest blogger: Lamar Edwards I want to tell you about a very special place, a United Church camp located just outside of Toronto called Camp Scugog that truly embodies the importance and benefits of creating a diverse and inclusive space. Camp Scugog serves kids affected by poverty. Most campers are involved with Children’s Aid Societies, shelters and school boards, and many are living in single parent households. Camp Scugog is so special because in my opinion, it has built a model of...

A Regional Statement on Anti-Black Violence and Racism – Racism is an ongoing sin existing within our communities.  It is with both lament and anger that we respond to the recent killing of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement officers, as well as additional examples of anti-Black violence emerging across North America. The deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and Regis Korchinski-Paquet further highlight the injustices encountered by Black civilians every single day. Anti-Black discrimination is not new, and it is important to name the systemic racism that exists within the Canadian context, as well as within the Church.

When news of the coronavirus first began to spread in Canada, Chinese Canadian restaurants and businesses quickly took a devastating hit. Once crowded restaurants were nearly empty. Other Asian restaurants and businesses that were neither Chinese owned nor operated were also shunned and targeted with racist graffiti and vandalism. “Chinese”- identified and “Chinese looking” people were publicly blamed for the growing pandemic and the downturn of the global economy.