In the wake of the shootings in Georgina resulting in the death of 6 Asian women, Tina Conlon reflects on her experience living in Canada.
Author: Kim Uyede-Kai
On Friday, March 12, 2021 the Centre for Christian Studies hosted an online discussion of the ways in which the Covid-19 pandemic exposes long-standing racial divisions and systemic injustices, and perhaps to imagine opportunities for change. Their special guest was Kim Uyede-Kai, minister for Communities of Faith Support and Right Relations at the Shining Waters Regional Council. In 2020 Kim published an article called “COVID-19 and the Racism Pandemic We Need To Talk About. Here is a video...
When news of the coronavirus first began to spread in Canada, Chinese Canadian restaurants and businesses quickly took a devastating hit. Once crowded restaurants were nearly empty. Other Asian restaurants and businesses that were neither Chinese owned nor operated were also shunned and targeted with racist graffiti and vandalism. “Chinese”- identified and “Chinese looking” people were publicly blamed for the growing pandemic and the downturn of the global economy.