Author: Kim Uyede-Kai

The impact of the May 14, 2022 racially motivated targeted shootings of Black shoppers in Buffalo, NY was deeply felt in Shining Waters Regional Council. As a community, we grieve for the families of those killed and wounded in Buffalo. We hold in prayer all in God’s family who cannot shop, walk the street or live their lives without fear or hypervigilance. As this year’s Asian Heritage Month comes to a close we acknowledge that anti-Asian racism and hate in North America are intrinsic to...

On the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Descrimination it's time to disrupt racism wherever it is found. In 2022, the first anniversary of the March 16 Atlanta spa massacre of six Asian women and two Asian men perpetrated by a White man, I am especially aware of the alarming rise of assaults on Asian North American women and elders with fists, boots, knives, guns, and acid. As an urban Asian woman, I have... Read the rest here

Shining Waters Regional Council was deeply impacted by the recent shooting deaths of six Asian women in Atlanta, Georgia. We condemn racialized misogynistic violence and we pray for the families and the communities of those killed. We also pray for the safety of Asians in North America and globally who have experienced and reported anti-Asian racism, violence, and aggression since the start of the pandemic. We pray for many more who have not reported their experiences of targeted hate incidents and hate crimes.