Kim Uyede-Kai

Minister for Communities of Faith Support and Right Relations, Shining Waters Regional Council

Phone: 416-231-7680  |  1-800-268-3781
Extension: 6173

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks and works in the Toronto Office

Kim encourages and connects communities of faith in their work and supports indigenous ministries in their relationship with the region. Kim promotes and supports racial justice. Contact Kim about: Anti-Racism; Conflict Resolution; Covenants; Governance; Intercultural Ministry; Right Relations; Vision and Mission. 


This is a new and portfolio in the region.  Kim helps communities of faith to live out the denomination’s commitments to right relation with Indigenous peoples and racial justice.

Kim’s work is often focused on genuine participation and voice, such as helping individuals to claim their authentic voice or helping a committee who is struggling to express themselves to speak from their own values in their own words.

Kim provides support to congregations including visioning, governance, and working with conflict, as well as being a resource across the region as people listen and learn from one another.  Mostly, Kim works with communities of faith south of Hwy 407.

She enjoys the variety of the job where every day is different.  As a part of a team, Kim works closely with other staff who are engaged with communities of faith and really appreciates the collegial nature of the work that makes it possible to figure things out together.

Kim is the staff lead for right relations and accompanies the six Indigenous communities of faith and Toronto Urban Native Ministry. Kim provides lead staff support for the Intercultural Commission, the Living Into Right Relations Circle, and also supports the Community of Faith Commission and the Ecological Social Justice Commission.

Kim Uyede-Kai Experience and Biography 

Raised in the United Church, Kim’s family on her father’s side was Methodist before church union. Kim has a long history working in the United Church beginning in 1979 in the Communication Division of the national office. Her most recent work was in Right Relations and Indigenous Justice with Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls, and Western Ontario Waterways Regional Councils. She was previously Minister, Congregational Support to Hamilton Conference, Vision Keeper with the Francis Sandy Theological Centre, and various General Council staff positions in racial justice, gender justice, and racial/ethnic ministries.  Kim is familiar with congregations across southern Ontario and has strong relationships with the Indigenous church.  The commitment to live into right relations with Indigenous peoples is a part of Kim’s identity and way of life.

Kim has a social services background and training in restorative practice and listening circles. She is a Reiki energy practitioner in Levels 1 and 2.

Kim continues to be engaged with the Japanese-Canadian community and in wider human rights and anti-racism circles.

Kim’s family roots are in Vancouver Island until internment forced the family west and they landed in Toronto.  Kim is the firstborn of three children. Kim is honoured to carry her Japanese spirit name, Harumi meaning ‘spring sea’.

Community really matters to me, so working with communities of faith really fits. Communities aren’t all perfect, but we know we have a need to continue to be together.

Kim Uyede-Kai

Communities of Faith Support, Anti-Racism and Right Relations, Shining Waters Regional Council