Jody Maltby

Staff Lead; Finance and Property Minister

Direct Line: 249-489-2002


Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks and works from the Guthrie Main Office

Jody coordinates the support to communities of faith, including coordinating the work of regional staff. Contact Jody about: Community Ministries, Congregational Finances, Grants, Incorporated Ministries,  and Property – Development, Leases, Loans, Renovations, Sales


Jody’s work connects the big picture of regional mission and vision to the particular needs of communities of faith.

A hub for regional support for congregations, she spends time brokering financial requests and overseeing local requirements for regional approval.

Jody works with the Executive Minister to support the regional mission strategy and resources agenda planning for the regional meeting.  She enjoys the creative challenge of puzzling through the various pieces of regional work to create agendas and processes that reflect the priorities.  Her work focuses on key questions such as: how do we deploy collective property resources more equitably to serve the wider mission of the United Church in the region as a whole?

With the Executive Minister, Jody shares oversight for staff, providing ongoing support and direction.  She strives to support colleagues as they work through challenges and takes care to build a strong team environment where all the work is valued.

Jody provides lead staff support to the Communities of Faith Commission, the Grants Review Committee, the Mission Support Committee, the Nominations Committee and Incorporated Ministries.

Jody Maltby (she/her) Experience and Biography

Jody was raised in the United Church and has worked at all levels of the denomination, from local to national.  Her first paid job in the UCC was as a youth worker at age nineteen.  She joined the General Council office in 1988 as an administrative assistant to the General Secretary for Theology Faith and Ecumenism.

Jody came to the region from the Toronto Conference staff team where she served both in Living Waters Presbytery and as the acting Executive Secretary.

Prior to joining the Conference staff team, Jody was a Community Legal Worker in Simcoe Haliburton Kawartha Lakes where she contributed organizational and administrative efficiency, coordinated volunteers and gave leadership in community development projects.

Jody is a Diaconal Minister who has training in managing transitions, mediation and dispute resolution.  She received a Diploma in Diaconal Ministry from the Centre for Christian Studies and completed a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English at York University.

Jody grew up in Orillia where she lives with her adult sons.

I am becoming increasingly aware of how much we need to build relationships with local communities of faith. I always ask to see the sanctuary when we are meeting in a church, I like to see where the folks gather.  Collectively as a staff team, we are building those connections.

Jody Maltby

Regional Staff Lead; Finance and Property Minister , Shining Waters Regional Council