Spread the word! Grab your kids, grandkids, friends and neighbours and join us on the lawn of the church for Carols Around the Crèche. This outdoor carol sing and lighting of the nativity crèche helps us mark the first Sunday of Advent in our North Toronto community. The carol songsheet can be accessed on your phone and hot chocolate will be served. We invite you to support Fairlawn's Annual Red Door Family Shelter Holiday Drive with a donation.
Tag: Advent
The Senior Choir of Fairlawn Avenue United Church and Eleanor Daley, Director of Music, presents the Ontario premiere of Magnificat by Taylor Scott Davis with chamber orchestra.
Plan on stopping by this quaint little church on the northeast corner of King Road and Bathurst Street in Richmond Hill. Fill your Christmas baking needs or your freezer and pantry for the winter! You can choose from any of the following: • mix & match cookies • squares, tarts & loaves • turkey pot pies • pickles, relishes, cranberries • jams and jellies • homemade crafts (great for Christmas gifts) • and much, much more. A soup lunch will also be available for you to...
Lessons & Carols ~ Sunday, Dec. 17 at 7:00pm Join us for this holiday tradition with the story & music of Christmas
Aurora United Church's Annual Christmas Celebration featuring the AUC Chancel Choir, Handbell Ensembles, Aldbury Gardens Brass Quintet, Tim Birtch, trumpet & Wesley Bells, violin. Arrive early for the singing of your favourite Christmas carols! Freewill offering, accessible seating. For more information contact 905-737-1935.