Voluntary Associate Minister Application Form

  • Please include general location (i.e. Trinity UC, Malton or St. Paul's UC, Orillia)
  • Applicable for communities of faith with team ministry situations.
  • If applicable
  • Required if weddings are checked off below. If not applicable, please type NA in the field.
  • To be eligible as a VAM, ministry personnel must be in compliance with the UCC Police Records Check policy and must have completed all mandatory trainings. Since www.ChurchHub.ca will be used to verify compliance, VAM applicants must therefore be registered on ChurchHub.
  • Mutual Agreed-To Statement

    By signing the Voluntary Associate Minister form, the Voluntary Associate Minister and other parties are agreeing to the following:

    1. Pastoral functions performed come under the oversight and discipline of the Office of Vocation.

    2. The Voluntary Associate Minister named in the agreement may receive honoraria for weddings or funerals and for presiding and/or preaching in regular worship; however, there is no expectation of honoraria, stipend, or travel allowance from the community of faith to which they are accountable.

    3. The Voluntary Associate Minister and the appointed/called minister(s) will have a conversation at the time of application regarding expectations of the Voluntary Associate Minister and agreed upon areas where the Voluntary Associate Minister may be involved in assisting with ministry functions and tasks. These areas are listed on the VAM application form.

    4. When there is a change in a pastoral relationship within a Community of Faith, the incumbent Voluntary Associate Minister may continue in that Community of Faith. When a newly appointed or called minister begins, the Voluntary Associate Minister and the newly called or appointed minister will have a conversation, facilitated by the M&P Committee, regarding expectations of the Voluntary Associate Minister and agreed upon areas where the Voluntary Associate Minister may be involved in assisting with ministry functions and tasks. A report of this conversation will be filed with the M&P Committee.

    5. In situations of team ministry, when one member of the team leaves the pastoral relationship or when a member is added, the same conversation as is outlined above should take place.

    6. If a Voluntary Associate Minister enters into a call at another community of faith, their VAM status shall end on the beginning date of the call. If a VAM enters into an appointment longer than six months, their VAM status will be put on hold on the beginning date of their appointment. They may resume their VAM status at the original Community of Faith after their appointment has ended.

    Please see the full VAM Policy here: Voluntary Associate Minister Policy (PDF)

  • As per the mutually agreed to statement, please check all that apply.
  • If there are further details or expectations these may be added here and become part of this agreement.
  • By checking this box, the Community of Faith submitting this application form confirms that the VAM applicant, the appointed/called minister(s), and the Community of Faith have viewed and agreed to this completed form.
  • Please enter the date of the motion approving the VAM agreement by the governing body. The governing body is the Board or Council of your church.
    YYYY slash MM slash DD
  • If your title isn't listed, please type it in the 'other' field.