P.I.E. Day Worship Resources

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Dear siblings in Christ,

Ahead of PIE Day 2022 (March 14th), a small group of friends of Horseshoe Falls and Shining Waters Regional Councils came together to talk about the ways Scripture has been used – and misused – to cause harm to 2SLGBTQIA+ people. We talked about ways the United Church perpetuated that harm. We talked about how far we have come as a denomination – and how far we have left to go. We celebrated the progress that has been made and we wondered what we might offer to help communities of faith engage in an important conversation on a day that has been set apart for acknowledging our call to be Public Intentional and Explicit in inclusion of 2SLGBTQIA+ kin.

The result of our conversation is this resource – reflections on lectionary readings for March 13th , 2022 (the Sunday before PIE Day), a litany of persistence and resistance, and even a story for children’s time. We pray this offering will generate meaningful dialogue and creativity about the ways we embrace the wonderful diversity of all God’s people.

Use this resource. Share this resource. Add to this resource.

In love and solidarity,
Diane Matheson-Jimenez, Diane Viney, Geof Thompson, Jeffrey Dale, Kathy Douglas, Michelle Hogman, Michele Petick, and Susie Henderson


National Affirming/ P.I.E. Day 2023

Communities of Faith in The United Church of Canada are invited to connect to do some thinking about all the people the letters 2S & LGBTQIA represent, and have some conversation about what it means to be Public, Intentional, and Explicit in our being Affirming.

PIE = Public. Intentional. Explicit. These are the standards we hold ourselves and our welcome to when we become affirming, welcoming, or inclusive communities. March 14 is a chance to serve some pie and roll out the PIE by celebrating the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit people in faith communities and beyond across Canada.

See The United Church of Canada website for additional resources.

Additional Resources

Scripture Reflections/Sermon Starters

Jeffrey’s reflections and sermon starters for Sunday March 13, 2022 – [PDF – 2 PAGES]


Affirming Connections

Affirming Connections was created to strengthen and amplify the affirming voice and actions of fully inclusive faith and spiritual communities in Central and Southern Alberta, and beyond. Click here to learn more!

Other Links

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council Website – Affirming Ministry tab

Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble and Affirming Connections PIE Day Website

To download PDF click here!

Staff Support

Staff support for this ministry is pending. If you require assistance please contact:



Administrative Support

Direct Phone: 249-480-0390
Email: cdeandrade@united-church.ca

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council

Location: Teleworks and works in the Guthrie office

Role: Celio provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.