Intercultural Resources
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Anti-Racism Presentation
The presentation with HyeRan Kim-Cragg was offered at the October 2020 Shining Waters Regional Meeting.
VISION FOR BECOMING AN INTERCULTURAL CHURCH [PDF 2 pages] This is a plain language revision of the “Vision for Becoming an Intercultural Church,” which was adopted at the Executive of General Council (GCE) in October 2012 as part of the report “Intercultural Ministries: Living into Transformation.”
Asian Heritage Month – May is celebrated as Asian Heritage Month in Canada. Please see this page of resources curated for use and exploration.
Black History Month – February is remembered as Black History Month in Canada. Please see this page of resources curated for use and exploration.
IDC Little Library – Please see this page for a list of books and videos curated for your use and exploration. (pending)
Staff Support

COMMUNITIES OF FAITH AND PASTORAL RELATIONS MINISTER; Intercultural Diversity, Anti-Racism and Right Relations Minister
Direct Phone: 647-956-7345
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council
Location: Teleworks from her home in Toronto
Role: Kim encourages and connects communities of faith in their work and supports Indigenous ministries in their relationship with the region and promotes and supports racial justice.
Contact Kim about: Anti-Racism; Conflict Resolution; Covenants; Governance; Intercultural Ministry; Right Relations; Vision and Mission