Join award-winning journalist Justin Ling at St. Andrew’s United Church to explore the relationship between “religion” and “conspiracism.” After his keynote presentation, Justin will dialogue with the Rev’d Morgan Bell (a minister at St. Andrew’s and PhD candidate in theology at the University of Toronto) before fielding audience questions. Freewill donations will benefit the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression. This in-person event will also be streamed to YouTube.
Justin Ling is a freelance journalist who covers politics, democracy, national security, misinformation, extremism, and where all those things intersect. He is a contributing columnist to the Toronto Star, a contributor to Foreign Policy, WIRED, and
The Walrus, and has contributed to a swath of other outlets. He hosted the podcasts The Village and The Flamethrowers, and he writes the newsletter Bug-eyed and Shameless, all about our current information ecosystem.
Live stream link: