Let’s Connect
Lay Leader Resources
Let’s Connect – Where 2 or 3 are gathered there is Jesus. And conflict! Part 3

Held on January 22, 2025 – Communication, Effective Disagreement and the Fall into Conflict
Leader: Dr. Betty Pries – With over 30 years of experience coaching, mediating, training, facilitating and consulting, Betty is highly regarded as a Conflict, Change, and Leadership Specialist. Betty specializes in working with complex challenges, supporting leaders, organizations and congregations to be at their best.
Part 3 follows up on Betty’s first two webinars. Challenges emerge in congregational life when healthy disagreements tip over into conflict and entrenchment. Disagreeing well becomes especially challenging in the context of change or when the reality of change thrusts the congregation into discord. This session defines disagreement and conflict, considers the impact of change, and lays down root principles that support conflict’s transformation.
The video recording is now available on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/jZOYZQzmzo0
Please note that the recording of this webinar will only be available until March 22, 2025
Module 3 Slides handout – (PDF – 29 pages)
Let’s Connect – Advent of Generosity
Held on November 19, 2024
Leader: Rev. Melody Duncanson-Hales
Join us for our festive Let’s Connect session with Melody Duncanson-Hales, Stewardship Support for Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils. Dive into the spirit of generosity and gratitude as we explore these themes through the seasons of Advent and Christmas. Bring your curiosity and your questions, and let’s jump into the art of inspiring, inviting and thanking together!
Included are two resources you may find helpful:
“Sample Christmas Eve Letter DRAFT TEMPLATE” was created by Vicki Nelson from Regina, Saskatchewan. This template may help you get some ideas for a ‘welcome’ letter to greet visitors to your Community of Faith for Christmas Eve.
“Sample Christmas End of Year Appeal Letter” was composed by Rev. Brenna Baker, who serves in Southwestern Ontario. These are, of course, tools to help you consider and compose your own communications – which should be contextual to your own community.
Let’s Connect – Where 2 or 3 are gathered there is Jesus. And conflict! Part 2

Held on October 2, 2024
Leader: Dr. Betty Pries – With over 30 years of experience coaching, mediating, training, facilitating and consulting, Betty is highly regarded as a Conflict, Change, and Leadership Specialist. Betty specializes in working with complex challenges, supporting leaders, organizations and congregations to be at their best.
Part 2 follows up on Betty’s original webinar, looking once more at conflict and learning how to work through difficult conversations in your community of faith. This webinar is a joint zoom gathering for lay leaders and ministry personnel in both Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils.
The video recording is now available on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dQkYjtP8s8
Please note that the recording of this webinar will only be available until December 2, 2024
Let’s Connect Lay Leaders Webinar
Introduction to Management Advisory Service (MAS)
Follow Up from Sept 11, 2024 Webinar
This was a joint webinar with Canadian Shield and Shining Waters lay leaders held on September 11, 2024 (57:06)
Presenters: Brian Traquair & Mark Ellwood
Staff Facilitator: Eun-Joo Park
Management Advisory Service (MAS) provides free consulting for not-for-profit organizations. Since 1993,their team of about 50 volunteers have helped more than 1,500 Canadian not-for-profit groups do more for their communities by providing free consulting worth more than $10 million.
MAS has done five projects for United Churches in the GTA in the last 12 months. This is a 30-minute zoom presentation to introduce MAS and the consulting expertise they can provide for United Churches. If you are interested in how MAS can assist your church through consulting in finance, budgeting, strategic planning, facilitation, governance, human resources, fundraising, marketing, IT or communications, please watch the recording and learn more!
MAS Presentation Slides – PDF 28 pages
Let’s Connect Lay Leaders Webinar
Governance and Living Faith Stories
Follow Up from June 19 Webinar
This was a joint webinar with Canadian Shield and Shining Waters lay leaders held on June 19, 2024 (1:04:45)
Leaders: Governance Task Group of Shining Waters Regional Council’s Communities of Faith Commission
Many churches are facing stagnation from a lack of volunteers, overworked staff, and lack of vision or mission. There are outdated board structure that require more volunteers than some churches have members, ministers and office administrators end up taking on more work, and no-one’s quite sure where the community is going.
If this sounds like your church, we recommend watching this workshop on Governance Structures and Living Faith Stories. Eun-Joo Park will lead us through a review of different governance structures used in the United Church, and Tom MacNeil will refresh us on what a Living Faith Story is and why it’s vital that churches have one (don’t worry, they don’t take much to start).
Let’s Connect – Where 2 or 3 are gathered there is Jesus. And conflict!

Held on May 23, 2024
Leader: Dr. Betty Pries – With over 30 years of experience coaching, mediating, training, facilitating and consulting, Betty is highly regarded as a Conflict, Change, and Leadership Specialist. Betty specializes in working with complex challenges, supporting leaders, organizations and congregations to be at their best.
Join us to understand conflict and learn how to work through difficult conversations in your community of faith. This webinar is a joint zoom gathering for lay leaders and ministry personnel in both Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils.
The video recording and Betty’s PowerPoint slides are now available. Please see the recording above or go to YouTube directly to watch it: https://youtu.be/ZqGR8yuH0qY
Please note that the recording of this webinar will only be available until July 31, 2024
Module 1 Slides Congregations HO – PDF – 34 pages
Time, Talent and Treasure Gatherings
Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices to Steward Our Resources Wisely
Follow Up from February 2023 Forum
Time, Talent and Treasure: When It Feels Like Your Community of Faith Doesn’t Have Enough
Recording of the Gathering on February 7, 2023 (1:24:15)
All are welcome to this Canadian Shield and Shining Waters regional event exploring how to meet the challenge of being church today with courage, deep faith and practical tools! Join Melody Duncanson-Hales, Community of Faith Stewardship Support Minister and Diane Matheson-Jimenez, Community of Faith Support Minister, and several guest speakers for an evening of discussion and exploration.
Stewardship Links
Scenario Budgeting: https://www.propelnonprofits.org/
search: “Scenario Planning” There are templates, a webinar, and more info.
Regional Grants:
(Canadian Shield) https://canadianshieldrc.ca/communities-of-faith/grants-and-funding/
(Shining Waters) https://shiningwatersregionalcouncil.ca/communities-of-faith/grants-and-funding/
United Church Foundation: https://www.unitedchurchfoundation.ca/grants/
United Church Capital Assistance: https://united-church.ca/leadership/church-administration/local-administration/capital-assistance-programs
United Church Insurance: https://united-church.ca/leadership/church-administration/local-administration/group-insurance/ucc-protect
Faithful Footprints: https://www.faithfulfootprints.org/
Secular and Government Grants Trillium Foundation: https://www.otf.ca/
New Horizons: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/new-horizons-seniors.html
The Community Services Recovery Fund: https://communityservicesrecoveryfund.ca/
Called to be the Church: the Journey https://united-church.ca/community-and-faith/get-involved/called-to-be-the-church
Book time for support: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/StewardshipSupport@united-church.ca/bookings/
(click on Melody’s name!)
Leadership Links
Want to engage people in the work of your governing body? Allow them to do the work that really matters! (Hint: the work that really matters isn’t receiving reports…)
What kind of church should you aspire to be? Exactly the one you are!
Need some help with visioning, property management, collaboration, use of space, and rental opportunities? Check out the work of TUCC:
Wondering about development opportunities? Check out the work of Kindred Works/UPRC
Connect with your staff team:
CSRC – https://canadianshieldrc.ca/about/staff/
SWRC – https://shiningwatersregionalcouncil.ca/about/about-us/staff/
Tips and Tricks to Manage a Projected Deficit
*Stewardship, stewardship, stewardship!
*Make it easy for people to give: Canada Helps, donation button on website, credit/debit terminal available during worship, promote PAR, set up etransfer
*Survey your assets and leverage them… Do you have property that can be redeveloped? Rented? Do you have regular worship or pastoral care or Bible study or ?? that you can trade with a neighbouring community of faith for something you need?
*Review your service contracts: does the provider have a non-profit rate? Can you negotiate a better deal? Can you use volunteers to reduce the amount of outsourcing needed?
*Spend money to make money: a little spent on marketing can pay dividends in exposure! Can you outsource work to alleviate pressure on volunteers?
*Connect with your neighbours: think beyond your geography! With whom do you share a common vision? Where is there need you can meet? What needs do you have that neighbours might meet?
Let’s Connect – Lay Rep Gatherings
Held February 15, 2023 (59:49)
- For more details about the new strategic plan please see The United Church of Canada website: https://united-church.ca/community-and-faith/welcome-united-church-canada/our-call-and-our-vision
- PDF of UCC Strategic Plan 2023-2025 (24 Pages)
Follow Up from October 19, 2022 Forum
- Meeting Notes from Lay Forum Notes from participants and description of the role (PDF 3 pages)
- Lay Representatives Description of the Role (PDF 3 pages)
- SWRC Prayer List Calendar – A list of communities of faith to remember in prayer every Sunday throughout the year.
Materials that are referred to in the SWRC – a bird’s eye view video
- The United Church of Canada website
- The Calls to the Church
- GC 44 Resolutions for autonomous Indigenous Church
- SWRC Find a Church Map
- The Manual, 2024 (Section 6.3.4)
- Shining Waters Regional Council Policy
- Staff List
Staff Support

Regional Staff Lead; Finance and Property Minister
Direct Phone: 249-489-2002
Email: jmaltby@united-church.ca
Serves in: Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks and works from the Guthrie Main Office
Role: Jody coordinates the support to communities of faith, including coordinating the work of regional staff.
Contact Jody about: Community Ministries, Congregational Finances, Grants, Incorporated Ministries, and Property - Development, Leases, Loans, Renovations, Sales

Community of Faith Support Minister
Direct Phone: 249-489-2003
Email: dmatheson@united-church.ca
Serves in: Canadian Shield Regional Council and Shining Waters Regional Council
Location: Teleworks from home
Role: Diane coordinates the work of staff supporting communities of faith and pastoral relations and encourages and connects communities of faith as they adapt and experiment in changing times.
Contact Diane about: Conflict Resolution, Covenants, Clusters, Governance and Transitions – amalgamations, collaboration, closures.

COMMUNITIES OF FAITH AND PASTORAL RELATIONS MINISTER; Intercultural Diversity, Anti-Racism and Right Relations Minister
Direct Phone: 647-956-7345
Email: KUyedeKai@united-church.ca
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council
Location: Teleworks from her home in Toronto
Role: Kim encourages and connects communities of faith in their work and supports Indigenous ministries in their relationship with the region and promotes and supports racial justice.
Contact Kim about: Anti-Racism; Conflict Resolution; Covenants; Governance; Intercultural Ministry; Right Relations; Vision and Mission

Direct Phone: 647-951-3538
Email: EPark@united-church.ca
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council
Location: Teleworks from home
Role: Eun-Joo encourages and supports both communities of faith and ministry personnel.
Contact Eun-Joo about: Conflict Resolution; Finding A New Minister; Lay Employees; M+P Committees; Licenses To Administer Sacraments; Pastoral Relationships Policy; Resources for Transition Times; Retirement; Sabbaticals; Sick Leave; Short Term Supply Ministers; Visiting Minister Options. Eun-Joo is responsible for all the Communities of Faith and ministry personnel in the region that are located south of Highway 407.

Community of Faith Stewardship Support
Phone: 416-231-7680 | 1-800-268-3781
Extension: 3187
Email: MDuncanson-Hales@united-church.ca
Serves in: Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks from home.
Role: Melody is your go-to for all aspects of community of faith stewardship, including annual giving programs, year-round stewardship, Mission & Service, planned giving, the United Church Foundation and more. Melody also brings her experience to the modules of Called to Be the Church: The Journey, the United Church stewardship program.
Contact Melody about: Called to be the Church: The Journey program; Congregational Giving; Mission & Service; Planned Legacy Giving; Stewardship Education; The United Church Foundation.
Book an Appointment: To book time with Melody for a stewardship consultation, please click this link and book with “Melody Duncanson Hales”

Administrative Support
Direct Phone: 249-489-2005
Email: kijones@united-church.ca
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council
Location: Teleworks from her home.
Role: Kathleen provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.