2020 Lay Representatives Survey

from The Communities of Faith Commission

Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete the following survey.  The Communities of Faith Commission will use this information to provide regional Lay Representatives with support and opportunities to connect.  The survey will be open until June 30th, 2022.  The Communities of Faith Commission will  summarize the report and share our next steps in response in the fall.

Names and contact information will only be used to update our regional lists and they will not appear in the survey report.  Thank you for your service as a Lay Representative. We are grateful for all that you bring to the conversation.

Connecting with Lay Representatives June 2022

The Communities of Faith Commission invites Lay Representatives to identify their needs and to share ideas about opportunities to connect.


Please share a little about yourself.
Name of Elected Lay Representive(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Can you share a little about yourself in terms of what you bring to this role?


Please share a little about your community of faith.
Please include the name of the nearest town/city that your Community of Faith is located. (i.e. - Trinity UC, Malton or Grace UC, Barrie)
How many Lay Representatives does your community of faith elect?
How is worship currently happening?
Is internet connectivity a barrier for people in your community?


Let us know what kind of support would serve you in your role as Lay Representative and what opportunities for connection you would value.
The Community of Faith Commission aims to deepen connection in our region. In your experience how connected is your community of faith with the wider church and the Regional Council?
Not connectedSome connectionModerately aware and engagedReally familiar and involvedIdentify strongly as part of the whole
Lay Reps. are the primary connection between the regional council and the community of faith. How would you rate our overall communication in terms of getting you the information you need when you need it?
We are open to hosting a regular series of zoom gatherings starting in the fall to support and connect communities of faith. Is that something that would be of interest to you in general?
If you said yes to gatherings, what topics are of interest?
Any other topics and/or resource people you would like to name?
Is there something that you are doing well that you would like to share with other communities of faith? Or are there places you would like to collaborate?