Grants and Funding
Quick links to sections on this page:
Capital Assistance Programs | The United Church of Canada Foundation | The Vision Fund | Healing Fund | Justice & Reconciliation Fund | Faithful Footprints | Presbyteries of Toronto Conference Corporation | Toronto United Church Council | Holy Currencies | Grant Recipients |Staff
Capital Assistance Programs
The purpose of the Capital Assistance Fund is to provide financial assistance for the renewal and development of congregations, camps, education centres, community ministries, and chaplaincies. Assistance is available in the form of loans and targeted grants for eligible pastoral charges/ congregations and other ministries that would otherwise be unable to undertake or complete these projects.
The Fund is managed by the General Council Office and each application for a grant or a loan requires regional approval. The following grants and loans are available:
- Capital Loans and Development Loans for Pastoral Charges or Congregations
- Modernization and Improvement Grants for Church/Manse
- Technology Support Grants for Pastoral Charges, Congregations, and Community Ministries
- Loans and Grants for Camps and Education and Retreat Centres
A congregation can apply for several different types of grants in a calendar year—for example, a Technology Grant, a Manse Modernization Grant, and a Church Modernization Grant. A congregation may only make one application per grant type per year.
For further information on Capital Assistance: https://united-church.ca/leadership/church-administration/local-administration/capital-assistance-programs
The United Church of Canada Foundation
The United Church of Canada Foundation offers a wide variety of different grant opportunities for United Church of Canada organizations and individuals to bring life to the mission and values of the United Church. These grants are a part of the stewardship of our trusts and endowments, made possible by the generosity of donors to the Foundation and the United Church of Canada.
These grants do not require regional approval.
A few opportunities are highlighted below. For a complete list of grants available through the UCC Foundation: PDF
The Seeds of Hope granting program supports innovative, unique, and much-needed projects in the following areas of ministry:
- Innovative Programs for Seniors
- Children and Anti-Poverty Programs
- Housing Programs
- General Programs
- Lectureships and Events
For more information on grants available: https://www.unitedchurchfoundation.ca/grants/seeds-of-hope/
The New Ministries Formation Fund helps support new ministry initiatives that address changing cultures and communities in urban, rural, and suburban realities; that are sensitive to the intercultural commitments of the church; and reflect a commitment to the environment, peace, and justice.
These grants do not require regional approval.
Individuals, ministries, and courts of the United Church of Canada are welcome to apply for a grant from the New Ministries Formation Fund.
For more information: https://www.unitedchurchfoundation.ca/grants/new-ministries-fund/
Information about grants supporting education, continued learning and scholarship is available here:
Information about other grants for communities and individuals: https://www.unitedchurchfoundation.ca/grants/general-grant-opportunities/
The Vision Fund
The Vision Fund provides grants in support of youth and young adult ministry to members, ministries and partners of The United Church of Canada.
These grants do not require regional approval.
Seed Grants for Innovative Ministry
Innovative, creative, and new youth and young adult ministries are eligible for a grant of up to $5,000. If congregations or groups undertake additional fundraising, they can apply for an additional matching grant of up to $3,000.
Application deadlines are January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15.
Continuing Education Bursaries for First Third Ministry Leaders
Support is available for continuing education events with a focus on First Third Ministry (children, youth, young adults, camp, campus ministry, family ministry). Volunteers and congregational designated ministers (CDMs) can receive up to $500 per person, per year; designated lay ministers (DLMs) and ordered ministers can receive up to $300 per person, per year. Books and association memberships are not funded. There is a cap of $1,000 per pastoral charge per year.
Application deadlines are January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15.
Grants for Flourishing Ministry Programs
Each triennium, grants of $25,000 per year are available for up to two exemplary, transformative, and ongoing ministry programs. These programs embrace methods for people to enter relationships marked by service and engagement with God’s mission in the world. They must include a theological rationale and strong faith content.
The application deadline is October 15 in years preceding a General Council.
For more information: https://united-church.ca/community-faith/being-community/children-and-youth/vision-fund
Healing Fund
The Healing Fund supports healing initiatives for survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts. Indigenous communities may apply up to $15,000 to create healing, culture, and/or language projects.
These grants do not require regional approval.
The Healing Fund is supported by the Mission and Service Fund.
For more information: https://united-church.ca/community-and-faith/being-community/indigenous-ministries/healing-fund
Justice and Reconciliation Fund
The Justice and Reconciliation Fund supports projects by United Church groups that foster education, dialogue, reconciliation, and relationship-building between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Wherever possible, the planning and application process should also be a joint Indigenous/non-Indigenous endeavour.
These grants do not require regional approval.
A group can apply for a grant to a maximum of three years in a row, and can receive a maximum of $10,000 each year.
Applications are to be submitted by March 15 or September 15; decisions will be rendered within eight weeks of these deadlines.
For more information: https://united-church.ca/social-action/justice-initiatives/reconciliation-and-indigenous-justice/justice-and-reconciliation
Faithful Footprints
The Faithful Footprint Grants are designed to reduce financial barriers for energy efficiency projects. The grants are available for any United Church congregation, camp, or outreach ministry. There are requirements for congregations to submit energy data and complete an energy audit to qualify for these grants.
These grants do not require regional approval.
You can access up to $20,000 in energy efficiency grant money to carry out actions such as those listed in the examples. You can access an additional $10,000 if you are decarbonizing.
Faithful Footprints is a partnership of FAITH & THE COMMON GOOD and The United Church of Canada.
For more information: https://www.faithfulfootprints.org/
PTCC – The Presbyteries of Toronto Conference Corporation
PTCC provides annual net revenue grants and capital grants to ministries within Shining Waters Regional Council after approval by the Grants and Mission Support Committee and the Regional Executive. PTCC looks forward to playing an active role in the work and mission of both Shining Waters Regional Council and Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council in the future.
For more information: https://www.ptccorp.org/
Toronto United Church Council
The Toronto United Church Council (TUCC) works with the church community to connect resources with ministry. Offering access to professional advice, financial support, and leadership development, TUCC helps our church address the social and spiritual challenges of the day. As of 2019 TUCC proudly serves Horseshoe Falls, Western Ontario Waterways, Shining Waters, and East Central Ontario Regional Councils.
For more information: https://www.tucc.ca/about-tucc/
Holy Currencies: Six Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries
Shining Waters Regional Council is grateful for permission to share this 3 part video resource created by our neighbour regions – Horseshoe Falls, Western Ontario Waterways and Antler River Watershed – in partnership with EDGE. This grant workshop was held on March 3, 2020 and was facilitated by Kathy Douglas and David Jagger.
The following video includes a brief stewardship-themed worship and exercise based on Eric H. F. Law’s book Holy Currencies: Six Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries (ISBN: 9780827214927):
Grant Getting
Following are some best practices for finding and applying for grants. These include a variety of grant opportunities within and outside of the United Church.
Grant Received
- Responsibilities and tasks once you have succeeded in getting the money
- Impact Measurement
*Please note: when the video ends, another video will begin that is not connected to the presentation.
*Please note: when the video ends, another video will begin that is not connected to the presentation.
*Please note: when the video ends, another video will begin that is not connected to the presentation.
Other Foundations
- Catherine Donnelly Foundation Supporting bold and innovative initiatives
- Ontario Trillium Foundation Learn about our new investment strategies and granting programs
- Community Foundations: Helping donors match theri interests to community needs, including the Emergency Community Support Fund, a $350 million emergency funding program from the Government of Canada to donees serving vulnerable populations impacted by COVID-19.
- Government of Canada Grants and funding
- Canada Summer Jobs (Youth/Young adults)
- New Horizons (Seniors)
- Investment Readiness Program also through the Government of Canada
Framework for Funding
In June 2021, the Executive approved the following framework for funding in Shining Waters Regional Council:
A Framework for Funding in SWRC – [ PDF – 3 pages ]
Grant Recipients
In 2024, Shining Waters Regional Council is pleased to provide support to the following ministries.
Mission & Service Grants
Abiona Centre
Cummer Avenue United Church Drop-Inn, Toronto
Davenport Perth Community Ministry
Ecumenical Chaplaincy, University of Toronto
Hospice Muskoka
Jane Finch Community Ministry
Runnymede United Church Meals Program
Toronto Southeast Presbytery, Major Capital Fund
Regent Park Community Ministry, Toronto
Camp Big Canoe
Camp Simpresca
Grace Place Outreach on Main, Brampton
Moorelands Kids (Community Services), North York
Roncesvalles United Church Dinner with Dignity Program
Sparrow Lake Camp
Stonegate Community Ministry, Etobicoke
Wesley Mimico Food Program, Etobicoke
Weston King Centre, Toronto
Presbyteries of Toronto Conference Corporation (PTCC) Grants
Anglican United Refugee Alliance
Bloor Street United Church Refugee Program, Toronto
Filipino Christian Fellowship, North York
Fred Victor Centre
The GO Project
Good Tree Korean United Church Mission, Toronto
Jane Finch Community Ministry
Lake Scugog Camp
Ministere Protestant francophone de Toronto
Regent Park Community Ministry
The Journey
Staff Support

Regional Staff Lead; Finance and Property Minister
Direct Phone: 249-489-2002
Email: jmaltby@united-church.ca
Serves in: Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks and works from the Guthrie Main Office
Role: Jody coordinates the support to communities of faith, including coordinating the work of regional staff.
Contact Jody about: Community Ministries, Congregational Finances, Grants, Incorporated Ministries, and Property - Development, Leases, Loans, Renovations, Sales

Administrative Support
Direct Phone: 249-489-2005
Email: kijones@united-church.ca
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council
Location: Teleworks from her home.
Role: Kathleen provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.