Congregational Support

Annual Meetings

hands holding a wooden block shaped like a church

Congregations hold meetings to receive information and make decisions. There is nothing preventing congregations from meeting in person, online or in a hybrid form, whatever is most comfortable for your community of faith.

The Manual 2024 of The United Church of Canada states:

A.4 Meetings:  Councils are responsible for deciding how to hold their meetings.

They have the following options:

  1. a) in person;
  2. b) by telephone conference call;
  3. c) in any other way where participants can communicate with each other at the same time (for example, by instant messaging or webcam simulcast technology); or d) by e-mail, as long as the requirements for e-mail meetings in the Procedures for Holding a Meeting and Decision-Making are met.

The Procedures for Holding a Meeting and Decision-Making are in The Manual 2024, section 3.4.2 of the Appendix.

Annual Reports

Every year your community of faith presents reports, receives information and makes decisions. The work of your community of faith is captured in an annual report, circulated before your annual meeting. There are no rules or regulations on what must be included in the annual report, however here is a suggested list of what could be included:

Reports from:

  • Minister
  • Board/Council Chair
  • Music Director/Organist/Choir director
  • All standing Committees (e.g. M & P, Worship, etc.)
  • Trustees
  • Regional Council lay rep
  • Groups such as UCW units, Affirming, book clubs, etc.
  • New Members, Baptism, weddings
  • In Memoriam
  • Previous annual meeting Minutes
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Year end financial statements
  • Proposed Budget

These are just guidelines, a basic list that your community of faith can add to as you like. Once your annual report is complete and ready to be circulated, please send it to the Regional Council office as well.

Here is what the Regional Council office needs from your community of faith:

  • an electronic copy of your annual report is preferred (PDF or Word format). If you are unable to produce an electronic copy then please send ONLY ONE hard copy by mail.

Your electronic copy of the annual report should be emailed to Susan Whitehead, at

Or by mail to:
Shining Waters Regional Council,
59 Line 4 North,
Oro-Medonte, Ontario, L0L 2L0


Good management of records is outlined in section A.5 of The Manual which states that “church records have a historical and legal value,” which necessitates that they be “accurate and complete” and “[kept] … safe [and] secure.” It also states that ownership of the “records belongs to the United Church. They may not be taken or kept by any member, minister or other person…” Moreover, congregations have a responsibility to deposit records no longer in use to the appropriate Regional Councils Archives. (See Section A.5 of The Manual, 2024 / Le Manuel, 2022)

Historic Roll

The governing body is responsible for keeping the historic roll, which includes the membership roll and the names of members removed under section B.3.6.2

Maintaining the Historic Roll – See The Manual, 2024 Section B.3.3

Historic Roll Guidelines

Historic Roll – Frequently Asked Questions

Church Hub

ChurchHub is the new national database for information for every community of faith and all ministry personnel in The United Church of Canada. ChurchHub is part of a significant shift in the life of our church and how we live out our call to ministry and discipleship. It is both a policy that was passed by the General Council to be “regularized as the required process for ministry personnel and communities of faith to search for calls and appointments” and the support structure for communication between the denomination, ministry personnel, communities of faith and members who participate in regional and denominational ministry.

ChurchHub requires a login using a unique e-mail for each account to keep your data safe. We recommend community of faith administrators use an organizational address if possible, such as office[@] or info[@], and others use their personal email.


Statistics and Assessment Tools Added in 2021

  • The annual blue statistical forms: Revamped with new, more helpful features and feedback options.
  • The annual assessment invoices have been added and will be updated regularly.
  • Officer and lead Roles can now be updated anytime throughout the year when there are changes.
  • Communities of faith will receive additional logins sent to their charge treasurers.
  • More roles will be added soon!



Collaborative Ministry

United Church Shared Ministry

Opportunities for shared ministry may present themselves when communities of faith are experiencing declining membership, resources, and financial instability. As communities of faith meet, new ways are suggested for redefining, exploring, and producing positive growth. The key question is: what are the opportunities for cooperation, even as each community of faith continues to develop as a distinct congregation? As communities of faith come together to begin exploring the possibility of sharing ministry personnel, the beginning stages of a Collaboration Agreement may be developed. It may become evident that common issues and challenges suggest there is much to be gained from increased collaboration.

Ecumenical Shared Ministry

An ecumenical shared ministry is people worshipping and serving God in a unified way while still maintaining their denominational identity and connections. It is any combination of denominations sharing a program, mission, ministry, or building. Ecumenical shared ministries take many forms. Faith communities who are looking for fellowship and want to worship together in a caring, welcoming Christian church might consider an ecumenical sharing arrangement.

Disbanding and Amalgamation

A congregation may experience one or more of the following changes during its lifetime:
a) amalgamating with one or more other communities of faith;
b) becoming a single-point pastoral charge, part of a multi-point pastoral charge,
or part of a different multi-point pastoral charge;
c) relocating; and
d) concluding its ministry.
All of these changes require the approval of the regional council and a change to
the covenant between the congregation and the regional council.
(The Manual, 2024 / Le Manuel, 2022 – G.1.3)

Disbanding/Amalgamating Links


Governance: Conversations with Community Leaders

Governance: Conversations with Community Leaders

PDF 40 pages | This resource is a set of slides, divided in four sections: In a Nutshell; Questions for Conversation: Quotes for Reflection: Best Practices.  This material is not designed as a continuous presentation, instead it is intended as a resource to engage community leaders in conversations about governance with the aim of making improvements.  Use it as a part of a dedicated workshop on governance. Or individual slides can be used in the course of ongoing meetings as an opportunity to stop and reflect on your own situation.


Meeting During COVID 19

Congregations hold meetings to receive information and make decisions. With current provincial restrictions on gatherings of people, the best course of action may be to defer any meetings already scheduled and those not yet called, including the annual general meeting.

If you decide to proceed with a meeting, any electronic method is acceptable as long as the participants have the ability to communicate with each other orally or through typed messaging at the same time. As long as most members have and can use the needed technology, it is a reasonable choice to proceed with a meeting.  The congregation must be given advance notice of a congregational meeting, read aloud during public worship. Please see the document linked on the Governance in Congregations During COVID -19  website of The United Church of Canada for more information about meeting requirements.

United in Learning Webinars

Previously recorded webinars on Covid Response 

Governance Links

Intentional Interim Ministry (IIM)


To take an intentional time out to seek spiritual and organizational renewal to rediscover the identity of a community of faith and to revitalize its mission.

When is interim ministry necessary?

• The departure of a long tenured minister (10+ yrs)
• Disagreements and tension that have become obstacles
• Serious trauma, such as sexual or financial misconduct
• Inadequate finances
• Major changes in the demographics
• The desire to rediscover its identity
• The desire to move in a new direction

Intentional Interim Ministry: Policy and Procedures for Designation (March 2022) (444.51 KB) (PDF – 17 pages)
Intentional Interim Ministry: Resource for Governing Body of Community of Faith (December 2021) (405.49 KB) (PDF – 18 pages)
Intentional Interim Ministry: Resource for Regional Council (December 2021) (313.91 KB) (PDF – 16 pages)
Intentional Interim Ministry: Resource for Transition Teams (December 2021) (567.2 KB) (PDF – 41 pages)


Intentional Interim Ministry Committee Policy


Jim Keenan (Chair)
Marlene Buwalda
Anne Hepburn
Sadekie Lyttle-Forbes
Cynthia O’Connell

Staff Support: Eun-Joo Park –



All property of Communities of Faith are held by its Board of Trustees. This includes land, buildings, funds and investments and any other kind of property. The Trustees must comply with the United Church of Canada’s requirements for Boards of Trustees in matters related to communities of faith property. The Region is responsible for making decisions on requests from communities of faith in buying, selling, leasing, and renovating community of faith property and developing a plan to distribute any proceeds within denominational policies and guidelines.  See the Communities of Faith Commission property policies for information regarding property transactions. 


Mapping Shining Waters Regional Council

View the Map

These maps, created in partnership with Edge, combine information from The United Church of Canada Yearbook and Statistics Canada.

Watch our short video that explains how to use the map. [ 3:03 minutes ]

How to View the Map

  • Link to the map
  • Activate the layers of the map in the bottom right hand corner by toggling the layers icon.  When a layer is in view the icon does not have a stroke through it.
  • Use the slider on the right side of the layers box to scroll through and see what layers are included in the map.
  • Turn on the layers you wish to view — you can select as many as you like.
  • As you activate a layer notice the legend that pops up on the left side of the screen that interprets the information. You can turn on and off the different slices in the legend.
  • Adjust the zoom on the map with the buttons at the top left. The home button returns to a default view of the region and the + – buttons enlarge/reduce the view.   Click and hold on the map and drag the hand to travel to a particular area and then zoom in.

Note that the information included in these maps is not current to present day — you can see the date of the data in the legend. We hope these lenses provide an overview of the region as a whole and help you locate yourself in the bigger picture.

Staff Support



Regional Staff Lead; Finance and Property Minister

Direct Phone: 249-489-2002

Serves in: Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils

Location: Teleworks and works from the Guthrie Main Office

Role: Jody coordinates the support to communities of faith, including coordinating the work of regional staff.

Contact Jody about: Community Ministries, Congregational Finances, Grants, Incorporated Ministries,  and Property - Development, Leases, Loans, Renovations, Sales



Community of Faith Support Minister

Direct Phone: 249-489-2003

Serves in: Canadian Shield Regional Council and Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from home

Role: Diane coordinates the work of staff supporting communities of faith and pastoral relations and encourages and connects communities of faith as they adapt and experiment in changing times.

Contact Diane about: Conflict Resolution, Covenants, Clusters, Governance and Transitions – amalgamations, collaboration, closures.



COMMUNITIES OF FAITH AND PASTORAL RELATIONS MINISTER; Intercultural Diversity, Anti-Racism and Right Relations Minister

Direct Phone: 647-956-7345

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from her home in Toronto

Role: Kim encourages and connects communities of faith in their work and supports Indigenous ministries in their relationship with the region and promotes and supports racial justice.

Contact Kim about: Anti-Racism; Conflict Resolution; Covenants; Governance; Intercultural Ministry; Right Relations; Vision and Mission




Direct Phone: 647-951-3538

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from home

Role: Eun-Joo encourages and supports both communities of faith and ministry personnel.

Contact Eun-Joo about: Conflict Resolution; Finding A New Minister; Lay Employees; M+P Committees; Licenses To Administer Sacraments; Pastoral Relationships Policy; Resources for Transition Times; Retirement; Sabbaticals; Sick Leave; Short Term Supply Ministers; Visiting Minister Options.  Eun-Joo is responsible for all the Communities of Faith and ministry personnel in the region that are located south of Highway 407.




Direct Phone: 249-489-1016

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from home

Role: Andrea encourages and supports both communities of faith and ministry personnel.

Contact Andrea about: Conflict Resolution; Finding A New Minister; Lay Employees; M+P Committees; Licenses To Administer Sacraments; Pastoral Relationships Policy; Resources for Transition Times; Retirement; Sabbaticals; Sick Leave; Short Term Supply Ministers; Visiting Minister Options.  Andrea is responsible for Communities of Faith and ministry personnel in the region that are located north of Highway 407.




Direct Phone: 289-769-0021

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from home

Role: Mastard encourages and supports both communities of faith and ministry personnel.

Contact Mastard about: Conflict Resolution; Finding A New Minister; Lay Employees; M+P Committees; Licenses To Administer Sacraments; Pastoral Relationships Policy; Resources for Transition Times; Retirement; Sabbaticals; Sick Leave; Short Term Supply Ministers; Visiting Minister Options.  Mastard is responsible for Communities of Faith and ministry personnel in the region that are located north of Highway 407.



Administrative Support

Direct Phone: 249-489-2005

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from her home.

Role: Kathleen provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.