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Media Centre

Quick links to sections on this page:
Media Inquiries | Statements and Press Releases | Staff

people taking notes at a meeting

Media Inquiries

Shining Waters Regional Council welcomes any inquiries from the media covering issues surrounding our policies and statements. For press inquiries or to request an interview with a spokesperson from the region, please contact the communication office by emailing Donna Rutz at drutz@united-church.ca

Statements and Press Releases

Standing with Metropolitan UC Against Hate-Motivated Vandalism

Shining Waters Regional Council stands with Metropolitan United Church (Toronto) against hate-motivated vandalism. As you may have seen in media reports, Metropolitan was targeted on March 7 by an act of vandalism using homophobic and anti-Semitic graffiti that the Toronto police have designated as a hate-motivated incident. A letter of solidarity and support is being sent by Rev. Betty Lou McNabb, President of Shining Waters, on behalf of the region.


Staff Support



Executive Minister

Direct Phone: 249-480-0389
Email: phartmans@united-church.ca

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council

Location: Teleworks and spends time in each region.

Role: Peter provides leadership, counsel, and support for the governance and administration in the Regional Councils.

Contact Peter about: Budget and Policy; Media and Public Statements; Regional Joys and Concerns; Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence.



Communications and Administrative Support

Direct Phone: 647-557-3393
Email: drutz@united-church.ca 

Serves in: Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils

Location: Teleworks from her home

Role: Donna provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.

Contact Donna about: General Inquiries; Community Events; Communication Oversite; Covenanting Services; General Inquiries; Records Management; Regional Events; Social Media; Updating Contact/Subscription Information; Website.



Executive Assistant and Administrative Support

Phone: 416-231-7680 | 1-800-268-3781
Email: rhowes@united-church.ca 

Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council

Location: Works from the Main Office in Guthrie, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Role: Rachael provides administrative support to the Executive Minister, Regional Council Executive, and related Commissions.

Contact Rachael about: General Inquiries; Conference Call Booking; Copyright Information; Currents Newsletter; Family News; Incorporated Ministries; Minutes and Policies; Nominations; Regional Meeting.