Media Centre
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Media Inquiries | Statements and Press Releases | Staff

Media Inquiries
Shining Waters Regional Council welcomes any inquiries from the media covering issues surrounding our policies and statements. For press inquiries or to request an interview with a spokesperson from the region, please contact the communication office by emailing Donna Rutz at
Statements and Press Releases
Regional Statement on Anti-Black and Anti-Asian Hate, Racism and Violence
The impact of the May 14, 2022 racially motivated targeted shootings of Black shoppers in Buffalo, NY was deeply felt in Shining Waters Regional Council. As a community, we grieve for the families of those killed and wounded in Buffalo. We hold in prayer all in God’s...
Standing with Metropolitan UC Against Hate-Motivated Vandalism
Shining Waters Regional Council stands with Metropolitan United Church (Toronto) against hate-motivated vandalism. As you may have seen in media reports, Metropolitan was targeted on March 7 by an act of vandalism using homophobic and anti-Semitic graffiti that the Toronto police have designated as a hate-motivated incident. A letter of solidarity and support is being sent by Rev. Betty Lou McNabb, President of Shining Waters, on behalf of the region.
SWRC Statement of Support for Barrie Community and Churches in Tornado Aftermath
Yesterday afternoon, a severe weather event ripped through parts of the City of Barrie. Dozens of homes sustained catastrophic damage when a tornado touched down in the Mapleview neighbourhood shortly before 3:00pm. While damage is extensive, we are grateful that there has been no loss of life.
Staff Support

Executive Minister
Direct Phone: 249-480-0389
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council
Location: Teleworks and spends time in each region.
Role: Peter provides leadership, counsel, and support for the governance and administration in the Regional Councils.
Contact Peter about: Budget and Policy; Media and Public Statements; Regional Joys and Concerns; Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence.

Communications and Administrative Support
Direct Phone: 647-557-3393
Serves in: Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks from her home
Role: Donna provides administrative support to Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils.
Contact Donna about: General Inquiries; Community Events; Communication Oversite; Covenanting Services; General Inquiries; Records Management; Regional Events; Social Media; Updating Contact/Subscription Information; Website.

Executive Assistant and Administrative Support
Phone: 416-231-7680 | 1-800-268-3781
Extension: 6144
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council
Location: Works from the Main Office in Guthrie, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Role: Rachael provides administrative support to the Executive Minister, Regional Council Executive, and related Commissions.
Contact Rachael about: General Inquiries; Conference Call Booking; Copyright Information; Currents Newsletter; Family News; Incorporated Ministries; Minutes and Policies; Nominations; Regional Meeting.