Nomination Form for GC45 Commissioner
Please see the position description for GC45 Commissioners (PDF | 2 pages ) for further details on what expectations will be required.
Applications to be a commissioner will be accepted by Friday April 12, 2024.
After a process of recruitment and discernment, the SWRC Nominations Committee will propose a slate of commissioners that will include:
• At least four ministry personnel, one of whom will be a first alternate in case no candidates for Moderator are nominated;
• At least four lay people, one of whom will be a first alternate in case no candidates for Moderator are nominated;
• At least four people intentionally selected to reflect diversity not otherwise reflected;
• At least one youth or young adult;
• At least two or three additional alternates will be elected.
The regional council will vote on the slate of commissioners at our regional meeting being held on June 7- 8, 2024.