On this page, you will find links to subscribers lists, groups, and networks for United Church and wider church organizations and networks. Organized alphabetically by channel: Email lists; Podcasts; YouTube Channels.
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The third set of categories (geographical location) helps us communicate area-specific highlights.
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Email Lists
Shining Waters Regional Council Newsletters
A Sower Went Out To Sow
Youth Ministry
Church Musicians
Wider Church Newsletters
Affirm United Affirm United is an independent movement of The United Church of Canada helping ministries and people journey towards being publically, intentionally and explicitly inclusive of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Subscribe to the Affirm National Newsletter
Broadview (United Church Observer)
An independent United church magazine with 11 print issues a year. Broadview also has an electronic news service. Subscribe to the newsletter.
Emmanuel College Continuing Education To receive electronic information about continuing education and other events at Emmanuel College send an email to:
Iridesce: The Living Apology Project is a joint project of Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble and The United Church of Canada. Subscribe to the Iridesce Newsletter
Property and Mission Review Blog by Toronto United Church Council
Property and Mission Review blog by Toronto United Church Council’s new Associate Director for Property & Mission, Katja Brittain, was created to share insights on how congregations can best achieve their community and missional aims by making strategic decisions about the stewardship of their property. Subscribe to Property and Mission Review
Toronto United Church Council, Connecting Resources with Ministry,
A newsletter to help the church community learn how our programs and services can assist congregations and mission units to reach their ministry goals. Each edition highlights new and established resources in one or more of the areas of Council’s work. Subscribe to Connecting Resources with Ministry.
Social Justice Networks: Ecumenical, Interfaith and Wider Community
Anglican United Refugee Alliance (AURA) produces a quarterly newsletter, The AURA Bulletin, news and updates for refugee supporters. Sign up here.
Centre for Social Justice The Centre for Social Justice is an advocacy organization that seeks to strengthen the struggle for social justice. We are committed to working for change in partnership with various social movements and recognize that effective change requires the active participation of all sectors of our community. Although the Centre is based in Ontario, our work increasingly takes us across Canada and into the international arena. Sign up to receive their newsletter. Send event notices to
Citizens for Public Justice Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is a national organization of members inspired by faith to act for justice in Canadian public policy. Based in Ottawa, CPJ is a Christian voice for social and environmental justice in Canadian public policy, focusing on poverty in Canada, ecological justice, and refugee rights. Subscribe to their electronic newsletter.
Faith and the Common Good Faith & the Common Good is a Canadian interfaith environmental network and registered charity working at the national and local levels.Faith and the Common Good mailing list sign up.
Faith in the City Faith in the City is a network of faith leaders from across the religious spectrum in Toronto who are concerned about the wellbeing of our neighbourhoods and our city. Subscribe to Faith in the City updates.
Fossil Free Faith E-list Interested in sharing and receiving fossil fuel divestment articles, tools, resources, and news on faith-based climate action, across Canada? Sign up here.
Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition (ISARC) is a provincial network of faith groups working together for greater social justice. ISARC was born out of the hope that together a coalition of faith groups could contribute to new public policies based upon greater justice and dignity for Ontarians marginalised by poverty. Add your name to their mailing list on their website.
Kairos Times A monthly electronic newsletter for ecumenical justice activists and friends of KAIROS, includes subscription to KAIROS Times, Blanket Exercise news and urgent actions. Subscribe to KAIROS Times.
Partera International For people and communities in search of non-violent solutions to conflict, Partera offers trainings in conflict transformation and non-violent direct action. Join the Partera mailing list.
Project Ploughshares is an operating division of The Canadian Council of Churches that works with churches, governments and civil society, in Canada and abroad, to advance policies and actions to prevent war and armed violence and build peace. Sign up for Ploughshares e-news. Join a Ploughshares listserv.
RISE UP! News & Events A regular e-mail newsletter of a wide-range of social justice related events in Toronto. Subscribe to RiseUp News & Events
Student Christian Movement Toronto Subscribe to newsletter
Toronto Urban Native Ministry (TUNM) is unique in Ontario supporting both Traditional Indigenous Spiritualities and world-views as well as Christian Spiritual practices, showing that they can walk together in harmony. Sign up for the TUNM mailing list.
United for Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel
This Network nourishes the energy in the United Church of Canada toward the goal of a just peace in Palestine/Israel. Subscribe to UJPPI newsletter.
United for Mining Justice is a network of United Church of Canada folks and allies working for just extractive sector laws and practices, for an accountable Canadian mining industry, and for local and national sovereign jurisdiction over mineral resources. Sign up for updates on their website.
Voices for a Just Society A justice newsletter from Fairlawn Avenue United Church Subscribe to Voices for a Just Society