Has your CoF been able to find alternative ways to worship together? (e.g., streaming their own service, sending out worship services by email, linking in to other streaming services) If so, what has the experience been like?
Has the CoF retained all their staff since the start of the crisis, or have they had to reduce hours or lay off? If so, which staff? If not, try to get a sense of where discussions are in the CoF around this. Is it imminent? A month off?
Has the CoF been able to create ways for congregants to stay connected with each other? If so, how? And how is it working?
Does the CoF have any community ministries? (e.g., Food Bank, Drop In program, etc.) Has the CoF been able to continue those ministries or not. In what way have they changed if continuing?
You can make notes here but also do the rating below.
What is the greatest need of the CoF at this time?
(try to push this out beyond just money! Do they need certain kinds of expertise or advice? Is it in a particular area like pastoral care, congregational life, worship?)
What might the CoF be able to offer to the wider community of our UCC family? This could include new creative ideas they have come up with; innovative fundraising strategies; liturgies; shared personnel, etc.)
Any other notes from the conversation go here.