Seasons of Love, created by Kate Brown, Director of Inclusion & Engagement, is a musical cabaret of highlights from the 1800s to present day, using a combination of photo slides and music.
Valley Voices Community Choir will be joined by a live band and a children’s chorus. Professional theatre friends, such as Cary Shields, who performed in Rent on Broadway, will appear as we traverse through some of the best-known songs of each era. What’s more, for some of your favourite pieces, the audience gets to sing along.
To follow, we will enjoy a Sparkling Reception, some very enticing Silent Auction items, as well as a short Live Auction, MC’d by the hilarious Orr brothers.
Online auctions items can be viewed at where bidding begins 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 4 to 8:45 p.m. Sunday, June 11. As items become available, they can be viewed, prior to the opening bidding date. See our church website for further details or call 416-231-2263.
Auction items will include original artwork and theatre tickets, as well as special events, such as dinner for six prepared by a professional chef, and a weekend at a cottage and much, much more.
This event is a fundraiser with proceeds supporting a refugee family and the ministries and programs of HVUC. Tickets are also available by calling the ticket line 416-231-2263 x39